Anoka Ramsey Community College
ll 2020

Course: English 1121 (College Writing and Critical Reading) Credit Hours: 4

Sections: 15, 16, and 18

Steven Beste

Email Address:

Course Webpage
Office Hours:
Tu/Th: 8:00am - 10:00; We: 9:00am - 10:00

Required Texts:
 English 1121 Reader
          Gorilla, My Love by Toni Cade Bambara

Optional Texts:
 Diana Hacker: A Writer's Reference, 7th edition (or later)
A pocket folder to collect in-class assignments and drafting exercises
n 8.5 x 11-inch spiral-bound notebook for free-writing

Course Description:
Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in ENGL 0950 or achievement of recommended score on English Placement Test.

English 1121 provides extended practice in critical reading, writing, and thinking. Course content includes the writing process, essential composition skills, and critical reasoning in various rhetorical situations. This course will help you to write logical, coherent, and supported essays, as well as a longer, documented argumentative research paper. We will concentrate on basic research methodology with an emphasis on finding, evaluating, and synthesizing various sources of information. In addition, we will explore ways to sharpen your critical thinking skills so that you learn how to develop and present your own ideas.

Course Objectives:

At the completion of this course, you should be able to:

Course Policies:

Attendance and Participation Protocol:

  1. Students are expected to keep up with the course schedule. To help you maintain that engagement, I have allotted 50 points (5%) of your grade for this. Everyone starts out with an empty value of zero but as you contribute, I will add points to your attendance and participation category. Contributions are made by offering a post in the online discussion boards that I will create all semester long (see "Communications" on our course's main page on D2L and click on "Discussions.") Each thoughtful post earns five points. Make 10 helpful comments or questions during the semester and you will earn the full 50 points (and 100% for this category).

    Failure to make a contribution for three weeks straight will produce an email warning about a lack of participation. Four straight weeks with no participation (including no assignments turned in) will result in a letter grade drop. Each succeeding week with no contact will drop a letter grade until an F is earned. Last day to withdraw from the course to avoid an F is November 25th.

  2. Have all reading and writing assignments completed by the dates specified. Late penalties can have devastating consequences on papers and these will be enforced.

  3. Plagiarized work is unacceptable. Please understand what this means and do not attempt to pass off the work of someone else as your own. If there is any question, I will ask you to produce proof that the writing is original. Here is a quick overview:

    The concept of plagiarism can be confusing, and there is a difference between deliberate and accidental plagiarism. However, both will be treated the same in this course. Plagiarism "includes the copying of the language, structure, ideas, and/or thoughts of another and passing off some as one's own, original work, or attempts thereof." (from Virginia Tech Honor System Constitution, February 1998).

    If plagiarized work is suspected and proven, the student will receive a zero for the assignment and is subject to sanctions outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Avoid plagiarism by proper citation of your sources. Writing tutors are also available in the Academic Support Center (and online) to help you with citing sources.

These are just basic guidelines; to receive the most benefit, put as much effort into improving your writing as you can.  If you give an honest effort, and treat me and your classmates with respect, you will succeed in this class.


Students must submit their own work that has been written specifically for this class. In addition, work must be submitted on time. Essays are due within a date range I will provide for each assignment. Essays turned in late will be penalized five points from the grade for each day late. No assignment will be accepted if it is more than one week late. 

We will have two exams and a final. There are no make-ups for these exams. (I count only the two highest scores of the three exams.) 

Your enrollment in this course is an agreement between you and me that you will do the work required.  If you fall well behind in the course, you should withdraw.


For each essay, follow the instruction sheet/website. Submit essays as if you were handing them in physically: have them titled, double-spaced, using one-inch margins.

I grade on a numeric scale from zero to 100, where 90s are A's, 80's are B's, and so on. The final grade includes evaluation of all features expected for that assignment, which include content, style, tone, grammar, and depth.

Research Paper

    1. Must be double-spaced following MLA (Modern Language Association) style, described in any style guide (see our Documentation tab). The final draft should contain a title page, an outline with a thesis statement, the body of the paper, and a Works Cited page.

    2. Must be a minimum of 6 pages of body text.

    3. Use the Resource List assignment to help you produce a well-formatted Works Cited page.

Research Paper Topics

Any topic selected for major research must be arguable, significant (have supporting evidence from secondary sources), and interesting to the writer. Pick a subject that has some relevance for you, and that you would like more information about. You must choose a topic about which you have not written before. No recycled papers may be used for this assignment!

Preliminary Points for Research Paper

+ 20 = Resource List
+ 10 = Draft of outline
+ 20 = Three-page draft
   50 = Total for preliminaries

No points will be given for preliminaries not turned by the assigned dates. Preliminary assignments turned in after the deadline will have points deducted. Points for prelims can only be earned if the previous prelim has been submitted.


Students earn final grades from the accumulation of points received on the argumentative research paper, essays, exams, and attendance/participation.

The following percentage of the total points possible at the end of the semester will determine your final grade:

A = 90 - 100%
B = 80 - 89%
C = 70 - 79%
D = 60 - 69%
F = below 60%

Schedule of Classes and Assignments

Consult this syllabus website to be sure you're up-to-date.

Schedule of classes and assignments for Fall 2020

©2020 Steven Beste
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The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by Anoka-Ramsey Community College.