English 2202
Introduction to Literary Studies


English 2202 introduces you to the major forms of literature: short stories, poetry, drama, and the novel. The focus of the course will be to study the ways in which reading literature can reveal not only much about the life and times of writers, but also about ourselves.

While this is an introductory course, I'd really like for you to develop your skills as a careful and analytical reader of literature. To develop these skills, you should think of our class as an ongoing dialogue.  This means that I will consider myself responsible for organizing the course and keeping it moving along, but that you all will be expected to come to class prepared to share with me and your fellow classmates your questions and comments about our selections. As we go through the semester, you should become better and better at asking good questions and making good observations. Practice may not make perfect, but it will go a long way toward competence.

The course syllabus is our blueprint for the semester.  Sometimes changes have to be made to our schedule, so look for updates to our syllabus on this website.

I will use a list of terms as we proceed through our anthology. As a tool for studying, use this terms list I will maintain all semester. You can print or review online when preparing for exams, for example.  might be useful (printing out the list before exams, for example). What I think we should know will be kept here, so I will update this website during the semester. Check back prior to our various exams to be sure you know what terms and concepts I would like you to know.

The class consists primarily of reading and discussing, but will include examinations and one large paper as part of its content. Here is a narrative about that assignment.

� 2019 Steven Beste
Questions or comments? Contact steven.beste@anokaramsey.edu

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