BIOLOGY COURSES. (The course descriptions, numbers and titles
are taken from the 1998-99 catalog.)
BIOL 1100: Unifying Concepts in Biology, 4 credits
Introductory course designed to teach the process of science as it applies to
biology today. Topics in biology that will be covered include heredity,
evolution and ecosystems. Three lecture hours per week and ten three-hour
labs during the semester. This course is not intended for science or
allied health majors.
BIOL 1103: Environmental Science, 3 credits
Introduction to basic characteristics of the ecosystems and an exploration of how they
are affected by the technological and social environments in which humans live.
Three lecture hours per week. An optional one-credit laboratory is also offered.
BIOL 1103: Environmental Science Lab, 1 credit
Prerequisite: BIOL 1103 or concurrent enrollment.
Investigative, problem-solving lab extensions of the topics covered in BIOL 1103.
Investigations include field studies, experiments, and analyzing and reporting
outcomes. Three laboratory hours per week. This course can be used, with
BIOL 1103, to satisfy a general education lab course requirement.
BIOL 1104: The Human Body - Structure and Function, 4 credits
Introduction to how the human body is constructed and how it operates. Areas of
study include human organization, support and movement, integration and coordination,
maintenance of the body, body defenses, reproduction and development. Four lecture
hours per week.
BIOL 1106: Principles of Biology I, 4 credits
Introduction to the science of biology. This course includes topics in chemistry,
metabolism, cell processes, inheritance patterns, the molecular basis of inheritance,
evolution, and the process of science. Three lecture hours and one three-hour
laboratory per week.
BIOL 1107: Principles of Biology II, 4 credits
Prerequisite: BIOL 1106 and a course in college chemistry.
Continuation of the introduction to the science of biology. This course includes
topics in the molecular basis of inheritance, evolutionary origins of life's diversity,
the diversity of protista, fungi, plants, and animals, and basic concepts in ecology.
Three lecture hours and one three-hour laboratory per week.
BIOL 1108: The Biology of Women, 3 credits
Study of the biological aspects of being a woman. Analysis of assumptions concerning
women's biology and women's health care. Emphasis on importance of taking a responsible
role in personal health care. Explores female and male reproductive anatomy and
physiology, sexual development, issues related to women's health and disease, pregnancy
and birth, contraception and infertility, menopause, and other topics. Three lecture
hours per week.
BIOL 1110: Field Biology, 4 credits (Offered at the ARCC Cambridge campus)
Introduction to field characteristics and ecological relationships of various
organisms, including plants, animals, fungi and protozoans, in local study areas and in a
selected study area. Includes natural history, identification and collection of
representative species. The basics of aquatic ecology are discussed along with water
quality analysis in the field.
This course is sometimes offered as a package with co-requisite HPER courses such as
canoeing, camping, and/or backpacking. This would involve off-campus time of a week
or more in an area such as a mountain wilderness or the MN-BWCA. Additional fees may
then be required.
BIOL 1140: Human Diseases, 3 credits
Prerequisite: A course in human anatomy and physiology prior to enrollment is
strongly recommended.
Survey of the causes, nature and treatment of selected human diseases. Three
lecture hours per week.
BIOL 1189: Topics course, 1/2-5 credits
Current topics or trends in biology. For more information refer the ARCC catalog
and semester schedule.
BIOL 2113: Anatomy and Physiology I, 4 credits
Prerequisite: BIOL 1106, or BIOL 112 , or BIOL 101 if taken before 1995,
or successful completion of the biology advanced placement test.
Intensive, detailed study of body structure and function utilizing principles of
chemistry, biochemistry, anatomy and physiology. Includes the following body systems:
integumentary, skeletal, articulations, muscular, nervous, special senses, and
endocrine. Three lecture hours and three lab hours per week.
BIOL 2114: Anatomy and Physiology II, 4 credits
Prerequisite: BIOL 2113.
Intensive, detailed study of body structure and function utilizing principles of
chemistry, biochemistry, anatomy and physiology. Includes the following body
systems: circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive.
Three lecture hours and one three-hour laboratory per week
BIOL 2201: Microbiology, 4 credits
Prerequisite: Biol. 1106, or BIOL 112, or BIOL 101 if taken prior to the start of
Fall Quarter 1995, or biology advanced placement test. Instructor's permission required
for concurrent registration with BIOL 2113 or 2114.
Study of general microbiology including bacteriology, virology, parasitology, and
immunology. The course emphasis is on bacteria: principles of microbial control and
culture, metabolic processes, and microbiological techniques. Environmental and
chemical influences on microorganism growth and reproduction including host-pathogen
interactions. Three lecture hours and three lab hours per week.
BIOL 2202: Genetics, 3 credits
Prerequisite: BIOL 1101 or BIOL 1106.
Study of the storage, transfer, and expression of hereditary information. Topics range
from Mendelism to molecular manipulation. Emphasis is placed on human examples. Two
lecture hours and one two-hour lab per week.
BIOL 2206: Animal Biology, 4 credits
Prerequisite: Biol. 1106 and a college course in chemistry.
Survey of the major animal phyla and how they solve the central physiological problems
necessary for life. Three lecture hours and one three-hour laboratory per week.
BIOL 2207: Plant Biology, 4 credits
Prerequisite: Biol. 1106.
Introduction to plants including structure, function, growth, development and
reproduction. Laboratory includes a survey of major plant groups. Three lecture hours and
one-three hour laboratory per week.
BIOL 2299 Independent Study, 1/2-3 credits
Prerequisite: Two courses in biology successfully completed.
Designed to offer students the opportunity to do extensive reading or research on a
specific topic in biology.