Day 2: July 29th, 2006

Yellow-bellied marmot along Yellowstone River Trail

Mule deer drinking from the Yellowstone River at the bottom of the “Grand Canyon” of YNP.

A merlin taking off.

In flight.

Elk carcass most likely from an old cougar kill along Yellowstone River Trail.

Mama black bear near Petrified Tree Area.

Baby black bear close behind!

Ah, together at last.

I’m hungry!

What’s under here?

Mom!  I can’t get down!  Help!

Later, that afternoon we head out on the Slough Creek Trail.

One of the most serene places I have visited.

An amazing scene along the Slough Creek (complete with Sandhill Cranes calling in the distance).

Mule Deer along Slough Creek Trail.

Nearing sunset we spy a coyote resting in the cool dirt on our way towards the Antelope Creek Drainage south of Tower Falls.

Sorry coyote but this is what we came to see!  An Agate Creek Pack wolf near their rendezvous site near Antelope Creek.

Look carefully and you can see the radio collar.

SO COOL!!! What will tomorrow bring??? J


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