Day 3: July 30, 2006

I can’t imagine another place I would rather be at 5:30am – watching the Agate Creek Pack with the background sunrise illuminating the beautiful terrain.

(6 miles south of Tower Falls between Tower and Canyon).

While watching the Agate Creek Pack of wolves at sunrise a coyote appears behind us. 

Clearly he is about to get into “trouble!”

Yup, he’s gotta steal the show this morning!

These wipes must smell good!

The wolves didn’t stick around too long this morning so we were off to hike the “Cascade Lake Trail.”  After about 10 minutes of hiking down the “trail” we heard some low grunting noises which sounded like a bear who was not too happy we were around.  The claw marks on the nearby trees were enough to send us back to the car!  We headed toward Mt. Washburn and to our surprise….

Look who shows up?!

Yup, viewing from the safety of the car is much better than meeting face to face on the trail!

The view from the Mt. Washburn Overlook Fire Tower.  You can see the trail nearing the top which used to be an old road many, many years ago.  Cars used to have to drive backwards up part of it!

We made it!

Smoke billowing from a forest fire just outside YNP.

The yellow walls of the “Grand Canyon” of YNP visibly cutting through the landscape.

The Mt. Washburn Overlook Trail provided us with beautiful flowers and insects to admire on our long hike up (and down!).

My favorite.

Another great day!

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