Linda Janke -- on-line course -- Note-Taking Tips

A few comments:

See below for some selections from two study skills publications that will give you a sense of why note-taking is important, and some general tips about how to take notes from books.

As you are doing the weekly reading assignments, I recommend that you take notes in a notebook or type them into your computer.  It is best to take notes in your own words -- for one, you avoid the issue of possible plagiarism/cheating, and secondly, taking notes in your own words helps your brain to process the material.  Additionally, taking notes will help you comprehend the reading and will help you prepare for the quiz.  Even though the reading quizzes are "open book," having good notes will help you remember the answers and/or help you locate them during the quiz.  (you might want to put page numbers next to your notes.)  Secondly, as you take notes, you should also jot down (perhaps on a separate page, perhaps in a separate column) ideas you have for discussion.  What are your reactions to the readings as you're doing them?

I suggest that you actively take notes, and use a combination of underlining, high-lighting, margin notes, taking notes by hand into your notebook and/or typing notes in your computer.  Taking notes will be easier if you print out all of the readings.


Why Note-Taking is Important (from a study skills series)
The following list provides a few reasons why note taking is an important activity:

Tips on Taking Notes from Textbooks (from the Homework Center)

  1. Organize your paper the same as for class notes.
  2. Get a general idea of what the reading is about.
  3. Go back and read the chapter or section carefully. Look for the main ideas.
  4. Try not to copy information directly from the textbook into your notes. Instead, summarize the information in your own words. This will help you to concentrate and learn.
  5. If you do copy directly from the textbook, use quotation marks to indicate that it is a direct quotation. Take care to copy the quotation exactly.
  6. Summarize the main ideas at the end of your notes and circle them.