The "Lost Colony" of  Roanoke: One of History's Greatest Mysteries 


My apologies for the appearance of the material on these links.  The university which produced and posted this material is no longer hosting the website, so the material is now located at the "wayback machine," which means certain links and design features are disabled.  I believe the material is still an excellent way to approach this topic so I have decided not to revise the entire assignment and we'll just do the best we can with these links and with some items housed on D2L.  Each student must read #1 and #2 and then choose #3 or #4 based on your last name.  Keep in mind that the Wayback Machine links sometimes take a minute or two to load, so thanks for your patience.

1.  The basic story of the Roanoke settlements "Fort Raleigh and the Lost Colony":

This article is also available on D2L Content.


2.  "The search for the lost colony:"

This article is also available on D2L Content.


3.  Last names A-J Read "Amadas and Barlowe explore the Outer Banks" in 1584: 

This article is NOT available on D2L content so you'll have to use the link.  Be patient as it takes a few seconds to load.

 From the website, some QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER:

As you read Barlowe’s account, ask yourself:

  1. What assumptions is Barlowe making about the Indians? Why might he be seeing the Indians as he did?
  2. Are those assumptions reasonable?
  3. How might they have led to misunderstandings that created problems later on? For example, what were the risks of thinking of the Indians as innocent, like Adam and Eve? What were the risks of misunderstanding their social and political organization?
  4. How do you imagine the Indians interpreted these same events?



4.  Last names K-Z read "John White Searches for the Colonists" from 1590:

This article is NOT available on D2L content so you'll have to use the link

 From the website, some QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER:

  1. How do you think White felt during his search?
  2. Do you see any way that his feelings might have affected his judgment? For example, he concludes in his report that the colonists were chased off by local Indians but went safely to Croatan. Do you think that is a reasonable conclusion, or was he being overly optimistic?
  3. What obstacles or problems did the men encounter during their search?
  4. When the men arrived at the site of the colony, what did they discover?