Anoka Ramsey Community College

English 0950: Elements of College Writing

Course Description:

This course offers intensive work with writing, revising, and editing essays. Attention will be given to rhetorical elements of purpose, audience, thesis, evidence, and tone. Students will read and analyze their own and others’ writing. (We will also practice the skills of MLA in-text citation and end-of-text documentation.)

Learner Outcomes:

At the conclusion of this course, you, the student / writer, should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate increased fluency in your writing.

  2. Understand and practice writing as a process that includes planning, drafting, and revising.

  3. Revise your essays -- for example, add and delete content, reorganize and refine content, improve depth -- more effectively.

  4. Participate in peer groups to share writing and give/receive reader response.

  5. Read and respond to the student texts with increased confidence and analytical ability.

  6. Demonstrate increased analytical thinking in your reading.

  7. Read and respond to professional essays with increased confidence and analytical ability.

  8. Understand and use specific source-based writing strategies: summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting.

  9. Use and understand MLA citation strategies.

  10. Write with an awareness of audience.

  11. Understand, recognize, and develop specific essay components, particularly paragraphs, topic sentences, thesis statements, introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions.

  12. Demonstrate the use of personal experience as evidence to support a thesis.

  13. Demonstrate the use of source-based ideas as evidence to support a thesis.

  14. Write with an awareness of audience, by paying attention to diction, tone, and sentence style.

  15. Demonstrate improved editing strategies and abilities.

  16. Use standard resources -- dictionary, handbook, and style manual -- effectively throughout the writing process.

  17. Use computer technology effectively throughout the writing process.