Anoka-Ramsey Community College -- Coon Rapids Campus
English 0950: Elements of College Writing
Fall 2004 / Sections 1 and 2
REVISED Schedule #2


M 10/18 -- Due: Final Draft and Portfolio of Book Evaluation Essay / Midterm Course Evaluation / Prewriting for Essay #3

W 10/20 -- Due: A Pocketful of Essays -- William F. Buckley, Jr., pages 34-38

Th 10/21 -- NO CLASSES -- M.E.A. Break

F 10/22 -- NO CLASSES -- M.E.A. Break


M 10/25 -- Due: A Pocketful of Essays -- Deborah Tannen, pages 51-58

W 10/27 -- Due: A Pocketful of Essays -- Alleen Pace Nilsen, pages 82-91

Th 10/28 -- (Lab) -- In-Class Essay #1

F 10/29 -- Introduce Essay #3 / Return Essay #2


M 11/1 -- Due: ______________________________ / Discuss Essay #3

W 11/3 -- Due: ______________________________ / Discuss Essay #3

Th 11/4 -- (Lab) -- Due: Bring Disk, Book, and Notes / Essay #3 Drafting

F 11/5 -- No Class / Professor at a Conference


M 11/8 -- Due: Three (3) Copies of Argument-Response Essay -- Complete First Draft / PEER REVIEW

T 11/9 -- No Class / Individual Conferences in H 131

W 11/10 -- No Class / Individual Conferences in H 131

Th 11/11 -- NO CLASSES -- Veterans' Day

F 11/12 -- No Class / Individual Conferences in H 131


M 11/15 -- No Class / Individual Conferences in H 131

T 11/16 -- No Class / Individual Conferences in H 131

W 11/17 -- Due: ______________________________ / Bring The Pocket Handbook with you to class

Th 11/18 -- (Lab) -- Due: Bring Disk, Book, Notes, and Drafts / Essay #3 Revising and Editing

F 11/19 -- Due: One (1) Copy of Argument-Response Essay -- "Almost-Final" Draft / EDITING SESSION


M 11/22 -- Due: Final Draft and Portfolio of Argument-Response Essay / Prewriting for Essay #4

W 11/24 -- Due: A Pocketful of Essays -- William Zinsser, pages 95-101

Th 11/25 -- NO CLASSES -- Thanksgiving Break

F 11/26 -- NO CLASSES -- Thanksgiving Break


M 11/29 -- Due: A Pocketful of Essays -- Jonathan Swift, pages 128-134

W 12/1 -- Due: Sample Essays by Louis Nizer and Lindsy Van Gelder

Th 12/2 -- (Lab) -- Due: Bring Disk, Book, and Notes / Essay #4 Drafting

F 12/3 -- Due: Three (3) Copies of Problem-Solution Proposal Essay -- Complete First Draft / PEER REVIEW


M 12/6 -- Due: ______________________________ / Bring The Pocket Handbook with you to class

W 12/8 -- Due: One (1) Copy of Problem-Solution Proposal Essay -- "Almost-Final" Draft / EDITING SESSION

Th 12/9 -- (Lab) -- Due: Bring Disk, Book, Notes, and Drafts / Essay #4 Revising and Editing

F 12/10 -- Due: Final Draft and Portfolio of Problem-Solution Proposal Essay / Course Evaluation


Th 12/16 -- English 0950 Final Exam / 4:10-6:10 a.m. / Individual Conferences in H 131 to Return Essay #4


Copyright © 2004 Scott R. Stankey / All Rights Reserved
Last revised on 15 August 2005 by SRS
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