English 2230 / Fall 2004

Essay Assignment

After Exam #1, we won't be quite done with Volume A.  I picked some writers, and we voted on some writers, but there are a lot of writers and texts left over.  For this essay, I want you to pick another writer from Volume A (List A) who was not assigned for our first unit, and then read, think, and then write about this writer, his/her text(s), and how the text(s) connect(s) to two other writers whom we read (one from List B and one from List C).  Library and/or internet research is not required or expected or even recommended; I'm much more interested in what you think about the writer and her/his text(s), in your responses, analysis, and synthesis.

Make your pick based on your personal interests.  (Click here to find more information about each writer in Volume A.)  Begin by reading the introductory headnote about your chosen writer.  Then, read through the text(s) a first time, just to get to know what's going on.  Next, read through the text(s) a second time, this time making notes about your personal responses --  e.g. How does the text make you feel?  What does the text remind you of or make you think about?  When you read through the text a third time, "analyze" it -- i.e. make notes about what "features" are important in the text, how the text "works," what the text "does" or what meant to do.  Finally, read through the text a fourth time, this time making notes about how this text "relates to" some of the other writers we've read (one from List B and one from List C).

When you begin to plan and write your essay, follow closely the "Paper Structure" outline given below so that you include everything that's necessary -- use the "bullets" as guides to get you thinking and writing; you do not have to include every bullet item.  In essence, you will begin by briefly introducing your chosen writer to your readers (your peers in this course) and summarizing his/her text(s).  Then, you will want to share some of your important personal responses and discoveries that you made when you were analyzing the text(s).  Next, you will want to establish how this writer is similar to and different from two (2) other Volume A writers, one from List B and one from List C.  Finally, you will want to wrap up your paper by reflecting on your reading of this writer and possibly recommending to others whether or not to read him or her.

List A (Unassigned Writers):

List B (Writers Scott Picked):

List C (Writers We Voted On):

Paper Structure:

1.) Introduction

2.) Summary of the text(s)

3.) React to and analyze the writer and text(s) as you see them

4.) Synthesis: Connect the texts to the other (assigned) writers through comparison and contrast

5.) Conclusion and Evaluation

Evaluation Criteria: Your essay will be evaluated based on (1) the clarity of the main ideas, (2) the strength and clarity of the explanations and evidence, (3) the use of the structure provided, and (4) the use of language -- reasonable “correctness” in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics.  In other words, your ideas and how you present and explain them are most important; “grammar” is only taken into account to the degree that it detracts from your presentation.  A final word of warning: you are able to use the NAAL and notes as you write your essay, so be careful that you are accurate with your use of authors’ names, quotations, and factual details from the texts.

Formatting Requirements: Your essay should be at least three (3) pages long but no longer than five (5) pages – double-spaced and word-processed – with 1.0” margins, and a 12-point “normal” font (e.g. Times New Roman or Arial).  No title page is needed: simply put your name, the course, my name, and the date in the upper-left-hand corner of the first page.

Rough Draft (Peer Review) Due Date: Monday, October 18, 2004 (four copies of a complete draft)

Final Draft Due Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Copyright © 2004 Scott R. Stankey / All Rights Reserved
Last revised on 13 March 2008 by SRS
Please address comments to scott.stankey@anokaramsey.edu