English 2230: American Literature I

Short Paper Assignments

Fall 2005

Read the historical and literary-historical background sections listed below, and then write 300-350 words, word-processed and double-spaced, highlighting what you consider to be the most important information found in each section. For these response papers, you do not have to cover everything; instead, focus on those parts that you consider most essential or interesting, or that apply most directly to what we are reading and discussing.

Required Paper #1: Read Volume A -- pages 3-12 (stop at "Pilgrim and Puritan")

Required Paper #2: Read Volume A -- pages 12-18 (begin at "Pilgrim and Puritan")

"Extra Credit" Paper: Respond to the video-cast / moderated discussion on Friday, September 16, 2005

Required Paper #3: Read Volume A -- pages 425-435

Required Paper #4: Read Volume B -- pages 957-970 (stop at "Immigration and Xenophobia")

Required Paper #5: Read Volume B -- pages 970-977 (begin at "Immigration and Xenophobia")

Note: Any additional papers will be announced in class.