Frederick Douglass

(see also Olaudah Equiano; Harriet Jacobs; et al.)

Slave Owner “Strategies” --

1.) Separate mothers from children; separate all families.

2.) Make a law that children follow their mothers into slavery; then, “breed” female slaves to increase the number of slaves.

3.) Employ overseers to do the dirty work.

4.) Sell slaves suddenly, without warning.

5.) Punish harshly for minor offenses to prevent major ones.

6.) Do not allow the slaves an education.

7.) Support the fugitive slave law.

8.) Enact laws to protect whites, but exclude blacks.

9.) Be like Covey -- be ever-present.

10.) Give slaves a holiday, but encourage them to drink to excess.

11.) If slaves complain of too little food, or if they steal food, make them overeat, or give them plenty of food but little time to eat it.

12.) Encourage slaves to spend their Sundays in idleness.

13.) Convince slaves that they are “content” and “better off” in their current situations.

14.) Recognize that many slaves stay in slavery due to their affection for their friends.

15.) Use the Bible to justify what you are doing -- see esp. Genesis 9 / Luke 12:47 / ADD OTHERS: