Washington Irving's “Rip Van Winkle”

Reading Notes

Establishes local setting

Establishes magical setting – the mountains are magical

Establishes antiquity

Pre-Revolutionary War – a province of Great Britain

Importance of the name, Rip Van Winkle (?)

Speaker = I = Who is it?

Rip’s character description

Anti-female (?) – see also pp.

“Termagant Wife” – shrewish, scolding, quarrelsome

Romantic Stories – see also pp.

His “flaw” = laziness ! ?

Works hard only for fun / works hard for others but not for himself

His Son’s inheritance

Tell “sleepy stories”

Some serious discussions about past events

Man escapes from bad wife – or – is driven to leave?

Fine autumnal day

High in the mountains



A fairy?


Drinks himself to sleep (?)


Questions his mind / trick? / magic?

Some things are the same – mountains / Hudson River / hills and dales

Notices changes –

An “election” is being held

Rip still pledges allegiance to the King!

“Finding himself alone in the world” – a hen-pecked husband’s fantasy?

Sees a double of himself

Doubts his identity

They think he’s crazy

Comfort that his wife died during a fit of passion!

Confirms a legend about fairies in the mountains

The Revolutionary War is explained to him

Comparison of – Subject to King – vs. – Subject to Wife

Return of the “narrator” = I = “DK”

End Note – to establish the truth – a literary convention

What is this story about?  What is the purpose?  What is (are) the theme(s)?