Sedgwick -- “Cacoethes Scribendi” -- Reading Notes


The village of “H.” –

They were sure to be mated / the men will return with their fortunes

The “destiny” of women = MARRIAGE?

Narrator (s) = “WE” ?

Ralph Hepburn –

Ralph Hepburn –

REFERENCE to Irving’s “LSH” – footnote 5 – “moving country” – American mobility

Mrs. Courland –

Alice –

The season of the PERIODICAL inundation of annuals –

Mrs. Courland’s Literary Aspirations –

Alice is RETICENT about her mother’s publication

Mrs. Courland’s fate is now decided – a career in letters

Mrs. Courland encourages her three single sisters to write as well

Mrs. Courland’s mother will NOT write

Ralph will NOT write

Alice will NOT write

Alice will still be the VICTIM of this “scribbler’s itch”

Mrs. Courland’s view of the world – authors and subject for authors – everything is fair game

REFERENCE to Irving’s “LSH” – a character based on Ichabod Crane

REFERENCE to W. Irving – footnote 9

REFERENCE to Sir W. Scott – footnote 9

The list of subjects is very “ROMANTIC” in nature –

Alice is a “Sufferer” –

REFERENCE to Sir W. Scott – the author of the Waverly novel – footnote 7

Ralph and Alice in a tête-à-tête

Writing is calming

Mrs. Courland considers it a SIN not to write!

WRITING ADVICE – “Mrs. Courland did not know that in literature, as in some species of manufacture, the most exquisite productions are wrought from the smallest quantity of raw material.”

Mrs. Courland’s WRITING ADVICE to Ralph – “All founded on fact, all romantic and pathetic” – ROMANTIC

Mrs. Courland’s response to Alice – “Do you suppose it is necessary to tell things precisely as they are?” – ROMANTIC vs. REALISTIC

Evidence of the LOVE between Ralph and Alice

Alice has been PUBLISHED without her knowledge --> Bradstreet

Upon learning this, Alice BURNS the book!

Mrs. Courland temporarily forgets her literary aspirations and becomes a MOTHER again and consents to their union


END IDEA – if you are married, you cannot write?