Anoka Ramsey Community College -- Coon Rapids Campus
English 2230: American Literature I
Fall 2003 / Section 1
Tentative Schedule


M 8/25 -- Syllabus; Schedule; Notecards; A Brief Overview of American History and Literature



W 8/27 -- John Winthrop: Introduction (205-206); A Model of Christian Charity (206-217); The Journal of John Winthrop (217-226)

F 8/29 -- Anne Bradstreet: Introduction (238); The Prologue (239-240); The Author to Her Book (262); A Letter to Her Husband, Absent upon Public Employment (264); In Reference to Her Children, 23 June, 1659 (265-267); Here Follows Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House (269-270)


M 9/1 -- NO CLASSES -- Labor Day

W 9/3 -- Mary Rowlandson: Introduction (308-309); A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson (309-340)

F 9/5 -- Edward Taylor: Introduction (341); Prologue (343); The Preface (351-352); Upon Wedlock, and Death of Children (356-357); Upon a Wasp Chilled with Cold (359-360); Meditation 6 (Handout); Meditation 150 (Handout)


M 9/8 -- Benjamin Franklin: Introduction (515-516); The Way to Wealth (516-522); Information to Those Who Would Remove to America (528-533); Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America (534-537); Silence Dogood No. 4 (Handout); Old Mistresses Apologue (Handout); An Address to the Public (Handout); From The Great Gatsby (Handout)

W 9/10 -- Benjamin Franklin: The Autobiography: Editors’ Notes (538); Part Two (583-599); Part Three (599-610)

F 9/12 -- Samson Occom: Introduction (645-646); A Short Narrative of My Life (647-652)


M 9/15 -- Olaudah Equiano: Introduction (747-748); The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano (748-781)

W 9/17 -- Phillis Wheatley: Introduction (808-810); On Being Brought from Africa to America (810); To the University of Cambridge, in New England (813); On the Death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, 1770 (814-815); To S.M., a Young African Painter, on Seeing His Works (818-819); To His Excellency General Washington (819-820)

F 9/19 -- Philip Freneau: Introduction (791-792); On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western Country (799-800); The Wild Honey Suckle (800-801); The Indian Burying Ground (801-802); To Sir Toby (802-804); On the Religion of Nature (805-806)


M 9/22 -- Susanna Rowson: Introduction (879-880); Charlotte: A Tale of Truth: Preface – Chapter XVII (880-913)

W 9/24 -- Susanna Rowson: Charlotte: A Tale of Truth: Chapter XVIII – XXXV (913-945)

F 9/26 -- EXAM #1



M 9/29 -- Washington Irving: Introduction (978-980); Rip Van Winkle (980-992): The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (992-1013)

W 10/1 -- Catharine Maria Sedgwick: Introduction (1039-1040); Cacoethes Scribendi (1040-1050)

F 10/3 -- William Cullen Bryant: Introduction (1071-1072); Thanatopsis 1072-1074); To a Waterfowl (1074-1075); The Prairies (1075-1078)


M 10/6 -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Introduction (1476-1477); A Psalm of Life (1477-1478); The Slave’s Dream (1480-1481); The Fire of Drift-wood (1481-1482); My Lost Youth (1484-1486)

W 10/8 -- The Cherokee Memorials (1029-1039); William Apess: Introduction (1078-1079); An Indian’s Looking-Glass for the White Man (1079-1084)

F 10/10 -- NO CLASS -- Professor at a Conference (?)


M 10/13 -- Nathaniel Hawthorne: Introduction (1247-1250); My Kinsman, Major Molineux (1250-1263)

W 10/15 -- Nathaniel Hawthorne: Young Goodman Brown (1263-1272); Preface to The House of the Seven Gables (1474-1475)

F 10/17 -- NO CLASSES -- M.E.A. Break


M 10/20 -- Edgar Allan Poe: Introduction (1507-1510); The Raven (1518-1521); Annabel Lee (1524); The Tell-Tale Heart (1572-1575)

W 10/22 -- Edgar Allan Poe: The Purloined Letter (1575-1588); The Cask of Amontillado (1592-1597); The Philosophy of Composition (1597-1605)

F 10/24 -- Ralph Waldo Emerson: Introduction (1103-1106); Nature: Introduction and Chapter I (1106-1109); The American Scholar (1135-1147)


M 10/27 -- Henry David Thoreau: Introduction (1788-1792); Walden: Chapter 2 (1850-1859), Chapter 3 (1860-1866), Chapter 5 (1875-1881)

W 10/29 -- Henry David Thoreau: Walden: Chapter 12 (1924-1931), Chapter 17 (1963-1974), Chapter 18 (1974-1982)

F 10/31 -- Margaret Fuller: Introduction (1618-1620); Unfinished Sketch of Youth (1654-1670)


M 11/3 -- Fanny Fern: Introduction (1746-1747); Male Criticism on Ladies’ Books (1748); Fresh Leaves, by Fanny Fern (1749-1750); A Law More Nice Than Just (1750-1751); Blackwell’s Island (1752-1757)

W 11/5 -- EXAM #2



F 11/7 -- Frederick Douglass: Introduction (2029-2032); Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: Preface – Chapter VIII (2032-2062)


M 11/10 -- Frederick Douglass: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: Chapter IX – Appendix (2062-2097)

W 11/12 -- Harriet Beecher Stowe: Introduction (1670-1672); Uncle Tom’s Cabin: Chapters III, VII, IX, XII (1673-1709)

F 11/14 -- Harriet Beecher Stowe: Uncle Tom’s Cabin: Chapters XIV, XX, XXX, XXXI, XXXIV (1709-1746)


M 11/17 -- Harriet Jacobs: Introduction (1757-1758); Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1759-1779)

W 11/19 -- Herman Melville: Introduction (2287-2292); Selections from Moby Dick (2304-2330)

F 11/21 -- Herman Melville: Bartleby, the Scrivener (2330-2355)


M 11/24 -- PEER REVIEW DAY / Complete Draft of Essay Due (4 copies)

W 11/26 -- Rebecca Harding Davis: Introduction (2545-2547); Life in the Iron-Mills (2547-2573)

F 11/28 -- NO CLASSES -- Thanksgiving Break


M 12/1 -- Walt Whitman: Introduction (2127-2131); Live Oak, with Moss II (2201); I Saw in Louisiana a Live Oak Growing (Handout); Once I Pass’d through a Populous City (2208); When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer (2219); There Was a Child Went Forth (Handout); A Noiseless Patient Spider (Handout); ESSAY DUE

W 12/3 -- Walt Whitman: Crossing Brooklyn Ferry (2189-2193); Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking (2212-2216)

F 12/5 -- Walt Whitman: Preface to Leaves of Grass (2131-2145)


M 12/8 -- Emily Dickinson: Introduction (2499-2503); Poems # ____________________

W 12/10 -- Emily Dickinson: Poems # ____________________

F 12/12 -- Emily Dickinson: Letters (2540-2545)


T 12/16 -- ENGLISH 2230 FINAL EXAM (Exam #3): 2:00-4:00 p.m. / Room to be announced


Copyright © 2003 Scott R. Stankey / All Rights Reserved
Last revised on 04 January 2005 by SRS
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