Anoka Ramsey Community College -- Coon Rapids Campus
English 2230: American Literature I
Fall 2005 / Section

Professor: Scott Stankey
Office: Humanities 131
Phone: (763) 433-1396
Fax: (763) 433-1521


Office Hours:

Class Meetings:

Textbooks and Materials:

Course Description:

Course Objectives:

Course Requirements:

Course Evaluation:

A.R.C.C. Grading System:

Grading Scale for Quizzes and Exams:

Participation Grading Criteria:

A Person is obviously prepared for each class discussion, has carefully read all material prior to class, offers thoughtful and insightful comments and questions, and encourages class discussion (but does not dominate discussions).
B Person is obviously prepared for each class discussion, has carefully read all material prior to class, and offers appropriate comments and questions voluntarily.
C Person is prepared for each class discussion, has read all material prior to class, and offers an occasional comment relating to discussion or responds only when called upon. (Perfect attendance and preparation but no voluntary participation.)
D Person is occasionally unprepared for class discussion, has not read all material prior to class, doesn't enter class discussion, and/or sometimes disrupts or discourages discussion or group work.
F Person is rarely prepared for class discussion, offers nothing, and is often disruptive or discourages discussion or group work.

Essay and Essay-Exam Evaluation:


Other Policies and Information

Attendance: If you arrive late to class, you will be considered absent and may not be allowed to take a quiz or participate in an in-class activity. Please notify me immediately if you must miss class due to a medical emergency or a family crisis; we can then keep you current with the class or determine if an incomplete is warranted. If you must miss a class where an exam or the peer review is scheduled, or when the paper is due, please notify me before class if possible, otherwise, as soon after class as possible -- documentation will be required in such circumstances to avoid a reduction in your grade.

Absences for Religious Observance: Anoka Ramsey Community College permits absences from class for participation in religious observances.  Students who plan to miss class for sincerely held religious beliefs are required to (1) inform me of anticipated absences at the beginning of the semester (within the first two weeks), (2) meet with me to reschedule any missed quizzes, in-class essays, labs, paper due dates, or examinations, and (3) obtain class notes from other students. I am required to assist you in obtaining course materials and assignments distributed during class sessions you miss and to make arrangements for taking missed examinations.

Incompletes: Incompletes will only be granted to students who have a documented medical or family emergency in the last two weeks of the semester. These students must have completed all the other work for the course with an average grade of "C" or better, must not have more than six (6) absences, and must demonstrate the ability and willingness to complete the work before the third week of the following semester or summer session.

Accessibility: My goal is for our classroom and course work to be equally accessible to everyone. I have designed the class flexibly to accommodate different learning styles and approaches. I am also eager to make reasonable accommodations to guarantee persons with disabilities access to class sessions, the course materials, and the activities of the class. Let me know as soon as possible if you have a disability for which accommodations will be requested. If you need further information about disabilities and possible accommodations, contact Scott Bay, Director of Access Services, at 763-422-3459, at, or stop by C255.

Class Disruptions: Any disruptive behavior -- including arriving late, packing up or leaving early, having private conversations, eating, sleeping, receiving cell phone calls, bringing friends/siblings/children to class, etc. -- adversely affects the teaching and learning in this class, is disrespectful to everyone in class, and will be handled first on an individual basis; if the disruptive behavior continues or if it is very serious, I will contact the Dean of Educational Services -- see the Code of Student Conduct in the Student Handbook.

Plagiarism: In addition to buying or accepting a paper or having someone write a paper for you, plagiarism includes but is not limited to (1) failing to cite quotations and borrowed ideas from any outside sources, even if the borrowed ideas are in your own words, (2) failing to enclose borrowed language in quotation marks, and (3) failing to put summaries and paraphrases into your own words. (This definition of plagiarism was derived from Diana Hacker's Rules for Writers, 5th edition, Boston: Bedford-St. Martin's, 2004.)  Presenting another person’s ideas or writing as your own without clear, accurate, and complete citation and documentation will result in an "F" for that assignment and notification of the Dean of Educational Services -- see the Code of Student Conduct in the Student Handbook.

Paper Format: All rough drafts should be word-processed and double-spaced; all final drafts should be word-processed, double-spaced, and must conform to the formatting directions given in class, including instructions for in-text and end-of-text MLA citation and documentation conventions.

Late Work: Dates for the exams, the peer review, and the paper are listed on the course schedule. The peer review cannot be rescheduled or made up. Late final drafts will receive very few written comments and the grade will be lowered one letter; after one week, the grade will be an "F." An exam can be rescheduled only under extraordinary circumstances and must be arranged before the exam; an exam not rescheduled prior to the exam will be penalized one letter grade. All exams and the paper must be completed to pass the course. No late work will be accepted during finals week.

Record Keeping: Please make back-up copies of all your work, and keep all quizzes, responses, exams and papers returned to you. If questions about grades arise, you will need to produce the original documents. In addition, keep track of all your notes and other materials for each exam and the paper; if questions about plagiarism arise, you will need to prove you did your own writing.

Conferences: Please see me during my office hours or schedule an appointment with me if you have questions or problems at any time during the semester.

Academic Support Center: The Academic Support Center (ASC), located on the second floor of the College Services (CS) building, offers free, trained writing tutors who work with student writers at any stage in the writing process to improve their writing. Please meet with a writing tutor early in the term so that you can discover how helpful the tutors can be to you.

Credit and Workload Expectations: For undergraduate courses, one credit is defined as equivalent to an average of three hours of learning effort per week (over a full semester) necessary for an average student to achieve an average grade in the course. For example, a student taking a three-credit course that meets for three hours a week should expect to spend an additional six hours a week on coursework outside the classroom.

Pass / No Credit Option: Students may elect to take this course on a "Pass / No Credit" basis instead of receiving a traditional letter grade. An average of "C" or higher on all of the required work for the course would be considered a "passing" (P) grade. If you desire to take the "Pass / No Credit" option, you must request it in writing before Tuesday, November 1, 2005. Once you elect this option, you may not switch back to the letter grade option later in the semester. Think carefully about the issues surrounding this option, including transferring the course to another institution, before making a final decision.

NOTE: The course syllabus and schedule are subject to change, and changes will be announced in class. You are responsible for any changes in deadlines or assignments announced during any class you miss.

Copyright © 2005 Scott R. Stankey / All Rights Reserved
Last revised on 13 December 2005 by SRS
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