American Literature Since 1945 (NAAL, Volume E) – Extra Credit Options

Option #1: Read the historical and literary-historical background material on pages 1953-1965 (prose) or on pages 2637-2651 (poetry), and then write one page, word-processed and double-spaced, summarizing what you consider to be the most important information found in one of these sections.  For this summary, you do not have to cover everything; instead, focus on those parts that are most essential or interesting to you.

Option #2: Read a selection (at least 5 pages long) by one writer not listed on the revised course reading schedule, and then write one page, word-processed and double-spaced, briefly summarizing and then mostly reacting to, analyzing, or evaluating the selection.  Perhaps highlight what you consider to be significant about the selection, or make connections between your chosen writer and one or more of the writers on the course reading schedule.

Option #3: Watch the film/movie version of either A Streetcar Named Desire or Death of a Salesman, and then write one page, word-processed and double-spaced, reacting to, analyzing, evaluating, or comparing and/or contrasting the “visual text” of the play with the “written text” of the play.  Perhaps highlight what you consider to be the most significant scenes in the film after reading the play, or point out the significant differences between the written text and the visual text.  There is one version of each play available in the ARCC Library on Reserve for overnight checkout; there are also other versions of the play – check your local Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, etc.

Extra Credit Paper Due on Monday, May 5, 2003