American Literature 1914-1945 (NAAL, Volume D) -- Short Papers

Required: Read the historical and literary-historical background material on pages 1071-1086, and then write one page, word-processed and double-spaced (10-, 11-, or 12-point font), summarizing what you consider to be the most important information found in this section.  For this summary, you do not have to cover everything; instead, focus on those parts that are most essential or interesting to you.

Optional Extra Credit: Read a selection (at least 5 pages long) by one writer not listed on the course reading schedule, and then write one page, word-processed and double-spaced (10-, 11-, or 12-point font), briefly summarizing and then mostly reacting to, analyzing, or evaluating the selection.  Perhaps highlight what you consider to be significant about the selection, or make connections between your chosen writer and one or more of the writers on the course reading schedule.

Edgar Lee Masters                           Poetry                         Traditional, Early Modernism
Edwin Arlington Robinson                  Poetry                         Traditional, Early Modernism
Amy Lowell                                      Poetry                         Modernism, Imagism
Gertrude Stein                                  Prose                          Experimental
Sherwood Anderson                          Fiction                         Midwest
Carl Sanburg                                    Poetry                         Chicago, Early Modernism
Wallace Stevens                               Poetry                         Modernism
Anzia Yezierska                                Fiction                        Polish Immigrant
Ezra Pound                                       Poetry                        Modernism, Imagism, Intellectual
H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)                          Poetry                         Modernism, Imagism
Robinson Jeffers                                Poetry                         Modernism
Marianne Moore                                Poetry                         Modernism
Eugene O’Neill                                  Drama                         Modernism
T.S. Eliot                                          Poetry                         Modernism, Intellectual
John Crowe Ransom                          Poetry                         Modernism
Claude McKay                                  Poetry                         Harlem Renaissance
Nella Larsen                                     Novel                           Harlem Renaissance
Edna St. Vincent Millay                     Poetry                         Modernism
Dorothy Parker                                  Prose                          Intellectual Humor
Genevieve Taggard                             Poetry                        Political, Feminism
E.E. Cummings                                 Poetry                        Experimental
Jean Toomer                                     Poetry, Fiction             Harlem Renaissance
John Dos Passos                              Prose, Fiction              Modernism, Multiple-Genre
Louise Bogan                                    Poetry                        Modernism
Hart Crane                                        Poetry                        Modernism
Thomas Wolfe                                   Prose, Fiction             South, Modernism
Sterling A. Brown                               Poetry                       Harlem Renaissance
John Steinbeck                                  Fiction                       California, Social Reform
Countee Cullen                                  Poetry                        Harlem Renaissance
Richard Wright                                   Fiction                       Harlem Renaissance
Carlos Bulosan                                  Fiction                       Filipino-American
Muriel Rukeyser                                 Poet                          Jewish, Political, Feminism

Papers are Due on Wednesday, March 24, 2004