American Literature Since 1945 (NAAL, Volume E) -- Short Papers

Required: Read the historical and literary-historical background material for prose on pages 1953-1965 OR for poetry on pages 2637-2651, and then write one page, word-processed and double-spaced (10-, 11-, or 12-point font), summarizing what you consider to be the most important information found in one of these sections.  For this summary, you do not have to cover everything; instead, focus on those parts that are most essential or interesting to you.

Optional Extra Credit -- Option #1: Read a selection (at least 5 pages long) by one writer not listed on the revised course reading schedule, and then write one page, word-processed and double-spaced, briefly summarizing and then mostly reacting to, analyzing, or evaluating the selection.  Perhaps highlight what you consider to be significant about the selection, or make connections between your chosen writer and one or more of the writers on the course reading schedule.

Optional Extra Credit -- Option #2: Anoka-Ramsey’s Theatre Department is producing Suddenly, Last Summer this semester on April 16, 17, 22, 23, and 24 (at 7:30 p.m.).  Since American playwright Tennessee Williams wrote the play, it complements our course nicely and might provide comparisons to A Streetcar Named Desire.  For the extra credit option, attend the play (each student is entitled to two free tickets in the bookstore), and then write one page, word-processed and double-spaced, briefly summarizing and then mostly reacting to, analyzing, or evaluating the play.  When you submit the paper, staple your admission ticket to the top.


Papers are Due on Monday, May 3, 2004