Daisy Miller -- Chapters 1 and 2 (Part One)

1.) Discuss Daisy Miller -- what is significant about her? (Consider her speech, dress, manners, mannerisms, etc.)

2.) Discuss Frederick Winterbourne -- what is significant about him? (Consider his speech, dress, manners, mannerisms, etc.)

3.) Is Winterbourne correct or accurate in his early assessments of Daisy Miller’s character?

4.) Are the Millers’ actions really inappropriate -- or is it just that they are in Europe? Why should being in Europe make any difference?

5.) What seem to be the “codes of behavior” for young men and young women at this time and in this place? Do we have similar “codes” today?

6.) How do you explain Daisy’s displeasure at Winterbourne returning to Geneva at the end of chapter 2 (at the end of part one)? What is her sense of their relationship?

7.) What is(are) the source(s) of tension or conflict so far in this nouvelle?

8.) Discuss the narrator and the narrative point of view so far in this nouvelle. (“Limited Omniscient” -- limited to Winterbourne.)

9.) How is Henry James’ writing style different from other writers in this similar time period? What “characteristics” do you note in James’ style?

10.) What is your sense of Henry James’ assumptions about his audience?