Daisy Miller -- Chapters 3 and 4 (Part Two)

1.) How do you explain Daisy’s displeasure at Winterbourne’s returning to Geneva at the end of chapter 2 (the end of part one)? What is her sense of their relationship? How does she know about his “other woman”? Are we not giving her enough credit?

2.) Do you see any “connections” or “parallels” or contrasts between Part I (chapters 1 and 2) and Part II (chapters 3 and 4)?

3.) Why does Daisy die? Who and/or what is responsible for her death?

4.) Discuss Winterbourne at the end of the nouvelle. Do you think he finally understands Daisy? What does he understand about her final message? What does he understand about himself?

5.) How are names and sicknesses important in this nouvelle?

6.) Examine the imagery and symbolism in the Colosseum scene.

7.) In addition to James’ standard “International Theme” in this work, what are some other themes? Consider the essential source(s) of tension or conflict in this nouvelle. What “lessons” or “morals” are being taught?

8.) Discuss James’ use of the “Limited Omniscient” point of view (limited to Winterbourne). How is this important? Did you notice, however, that there is also a narrator who interrupts at times to speak directly to the readers?

9.) Discuss James’ writing style. How would you describe his “style”? Consider his word choice, sentence structures, etc. What does his style suggest about his assumptions about his audience?