Questions for Literature Class Discussions

(from They Say, I Say)


1.) Thinking about the literary text, __________, does it remind you of anything else you’ve read or seen or heard?  If so, what?  And, how/why does it remind you of that?  (What do they have in common?)


2.) How do you think the author, __________, feels about the characters so far?  For example, is she sympathetic, judgmental, neutral, __________?  Please give examples.


3.) How do you think the author, __________, wants us, the readers, to feel about the characters so far?  For example, sympathetic and open to all?  Or, sympathetic to some but reserved to others?  __________?  Please give examples.

4.) What do you think motivated the author, __________, to write this literary text?  Speculate!  Hypothesize!  Try to come up with several possibilities!

5.) Do you have ideas or theories or information or feelings – from your personal experience, from other classes, from popular culture or mass media, etc. – that might be enhance your and others’ understanding of this literary text?  If so, what?  Please be specific.