Scott R. Stankey

Teaching Professor of English

Anoka-Ramsey Community College -- Coon Rapids Campus

Miscellaneous Links

This first survey was sent to ARCC faculty from Nora Morris, dean of the ARCC Institutional Research Office, on 8 Apr. 2011:

Did you know: According to 1,850 employers who responded to this question in a national 2010-2011 recruiting survey: “In what areas do young adults need to develop better skills and competencies in order to secure a position and launch their career successfully in your organization,” the most frequent responses were:

For more information, please visit:


This second survey was sent to ARCC faculty from Ed Wehling, our Natural Sciences professor at ARCC, on 18 Feb. 2010. The survey is from the Josephson Institute’s 2008 Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth:

In a survey of ~30,000 high school students:

Here is a video about word choice and assertiveness, perhaps good to watch during the editing stages of a paper:


Here is a link about proofreading:


This next one is by the same guy, about teachers:


Here is another link about teachers, specifically composition teachers. It features Tom Cruise:

Here is something from a friend at Stanford, who thought of me when reading about this graphic novel project:

Here's another link from a colleague who said it is "short and thought-provoking":

From Kate Kysar, at ARCC:

"I am delighted to announce that Jes Lee Shimek, an ARCC alumni who majored in art (and met her husband in my creative writing class!) made a beautiful video of my poem, "Love Poem," that was chosen by the Two Year Colleges Association within the National Council of Teachers of English to celebrate National Poetry Month. Jes will have an art show at ARCC next year." Here is the link:

From Sarah Viehmann, at ARCC:

"Judy Mays, a fairly well-known author of romance/erotic novels and a high school English teacher, has been “outed,” and her story has been published in an oh-so-objective fashion on a local news site." Here is the link:,0,4057307.story


From Jennifer Liberty-Clark, at ARCC:

"Wanna help your students help themselves? Here's a great site where they can tap into OR create their own could even attach points to it and make it a group assignment, afterall, it's better to 'Give a man [woman] a fish and he'll/she'll eat for a day. Teach a man/woman how to fish and he'll/she'll eat for a lifetime.'" Here's the link:


From Deborah Shepherd, at ARCC:

Many of you are probably familiar with the well-known Kansas State University video by mwesch, “A Vision of Students Today,” now with 3,249,656 views and counting:

"One of my colleagues in the Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges, Anthony Balzano, had his students in Cultural Anthropology at Sussex County (NJ) Community College create a community college version of the same video concept. The result is by no means anywhere near the technical quality of the Wesch video, but if you watch the two works together, you can see the important differences in student experience. The Balzano video, “A Vision of Community College Students Today,” is found here:


From Paula Croonquist, at ARCC:

"Deb Wingert sent us her guidelines for designing multiple choice questions assessing higher cognitive levels of Bloom's taxonomy (evaluation, application, synthesis, etc, see attached). I am also attaching her ppt presentation and the link to her recorded presentation for those of you who missed it and may be interested in watching it." I realize this session was a teaser in the sense that there was not enough time to get the most out of Deb's insight and experience. I am hoping we will be able to invite her back in the future with more time." Here's the link:

From Steve Beste, at ARCC:

Here is something on the funny side, a British voice-over video using animals:

From Angie Anderson, at ARCC:


"At the session on cheating in the classroom during faculty development days, I mentioned a plagiarism quiz and tutorial to be used in classes. Along with the tutorial is a pre-test (#1) and a post-test (#7)," and students can email the results of their quiz:

From the U of MN:

"The University of Minnesota Libraries will send the first shipment of books to Google this month as part of the Google Books project (, a multi-year effort that will digitize more than 1 million volumes (books and bound journals) from the libraries' general collections. Among the volumes included will be selections from distinctive collections related to forestry, bee-keeping, and Scandinavian literature and area studies. The scanning project is part of a 2007 agreement between Google and the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) to digitize upwards of 10 million unique volumes from the collections of CIC libraries that signed the agreement. For more information, see the news release


This next link I got via email from someone named Sheila Curtis, who teaches a college prep course and was working on finding sites on studying to post on her class website. While looking for pages on studying, she found my website, which she found helpful and thanked me, but she also offered the following page on studying. She says it "provides some great tips that if followed could prove very effective.  I plan on using this page in my list of resources." Here it is: