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Annotated Bibliography: Wolves in Minnesota

Anderson, Dennis.  “Mech Says Wolf Plan is Flawed.”  Star Tribune 7 Mar. 1999 : C18.

In this article, Dennis Anderson, reporter for the Star Tribune, interviews world renowned wolf biologist David Mech.  In this interview, Mech talks about the wolves in Minnesota and how we must do something to slow down their population.  In this article, Dennis Anderson wanted to see where Mech stood on wolf control in Minnesota.  This article is very helpful to me because what Mech says in this article helps me back up my argument.  There are also some very good quotes from Mech that I intend to use.  Mech is very credible and his comments will help me in some background information in my paper, and help me refute the other side.

Anderson, Dennis.  “Sierra Club Director Opposes Wolf Restriction.”  Star Tribune 14 Mar. 1999: C18.

In this newspaper article, Dennis Anderson interviews Sierra Club director Ginny Yingling.  Yingling is one of the people on the on the wolf round table.  In this article, Yingling believes that the legislature made a big mistake when they gutted the bill making wolves legal to trap and hunt when they get off of the endangered species list.  Yingling also commented that wolves should be free to roam the whole state of Minnesota, and there should be no action taken on them for the next five years.  This source is very helpful to me because it helps me see how the other side feels about this topic.  This article, and the article that interviewed Mech, totally contradict each other.  This will help me because I can state Yingling’s main points of this issue, and then refute them with what Mech has to say.

Barsness, John.  “Killing Machines.”  Field and Stream Nov. 1998: 58-65.

In this magazine article, John Barsness talks about the wolves and the problem they can cause to the environment and game.  He says that wolves can have a big impact on deer population and where there is a lot of wolves to be found, there is few deer left in that area.  The author’s purpose of this article is to inform people what can happen when wolves over populate an area.  This source is very helpful to me because it tells me what problems wolves can cause on game and how bad they can be for the environment, so, in turn, this will back up my argument.  It will also help me explain some background information to my readers, before I get into my essay.

Boyle, Robert H.  “Return of the Native: The Restoration of Wolves to Their Former Habitat in the Northeast is Now Politically and Financially Feasible.”  Outdoor Life Mar. 1997: n.pag.  PALS.  Online.  23 Mar. 1999.

In this source, Robert Boyle writes about how the wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park and the problems that they are causing now.  He talks about the game that they have taken out of the park, and the problem that ranchers are having with wolves killing their livestock.  This source is helpful to me because it will show my readers the problems that could happen if wolves become too populated in Minnesota.  My main idea I will try to accomplish with this source is show them what is happening in Yellowstone right now, and try to relate that to what could happen in Minnesota.

“Committee Guts State Wolf Plan.”  Outdoor News 19 Mar. 1999: 1+.

In this article, the author talks about what is happening right now in the legislature with the wolf problems in Minnesota.  People from both sides of the issue give a brief statement and tell what they think should be done with the wolves in Minnesota.  This article isn’t one of my most valuable sources, but it will help me well in letting people know the simple background information behind this issue, before they get into my paper.

Kerasote, Ted.  “The Fate of the Wolf.”  Sports Afield Aug. 1998: n.pag. PALS. Online. 23 Mar. 1999.

In this article, Ted Kerasote talks about the wolf and how it was an endangered species not too long ago.  He also talks about how the wolf population has gained so well, and now the problems that we are facing today in Minnesota with all the wolves we have.  This article is very useful to me because it will help me explain to my readers the background information they need in order to completely understand my essay.  Also, it will help me in the way of showing my readers that something needs to be done about the wolf population in Minnesota.