English 1121

Beginning a Critique (Analysis, Evaluation, and Response)

of an Argument Essay

1.) At some point, soon after reading, record your first reactions to the essay/argument. What did you think of the essay/argument? What did you think of the author? What didn’t you understand? In general, do you agree or disagree with the argument? With which points?

2.) At some point, go through the essay carefully with the goal of determining the structure of the essay/argument. Which paragraphs stand alone, and which paragraphs should be grouped together into "sections"? Note how one paragraph or section “moves” to the next paragraph or section. Try to "outline" the argument. Then, try to summarize the entire essay/argument in one (1) paragraph.

3.) What is the primary PURPOSE of the argument? (To share/express, to inform, to persuade, to entertain, etc.) Are there any secondary purposes?

4.) Who is the primary or intended AUDIENCE being addressed in this essay? (Hint: consider the publication information.)

5.) What do you think of the ETHOS (ethical appeals) in this essay?

6.) What do you think of the LOGOS (logical appeals) in this essay?

7.) What do you think of the PATHOS (emotional appeals) in this essay?

8.) Finally, think more about whether or not you agree with the writer’s argument? Do you agree in whole or in part? Do you agree with some things and disagree with other things? Do you have ideas/reasons that s/he did not discuss? Do you have evidence that s/he did not include? Do you see “gaps” that you could fill in?