More Frequently Asked Questions for the

Argument Critique Essay (revised from Fall 2007)

1.) "Why do we need to use sources for this paper?"

2.) "Can I write this essay without sources?"

3.) "This assignment really doesn't seem to require sources."

4.) "How many sources do I need?"

5.) "How do I use sources in this essay?"

(A) Perhaps find a source which "questions" a main idea, the thinking or the logical reasoning, or a piece of evidence in the primary source (for example, a source about the dangers of obesity which opposes one of Schwartz's sources).

(B) Perhaps find a source which offers another argument to support the primary source.

(C) Perhaps find a source which offers a counter-argument to oppose the primary source--note: this is different from idea "A."

(D) Perhaps find a source which supports or questions the credentials of the author.

(E) Perhaps find a source which gives information about the original publication source.

(F) Perhaps find a source which was written in response to your primary source; for example, a book review, or a letter to the editor in a magazine or a scholarly journal, or a student paper posted on a course website.

6.) Finally: