Scoring Guide -- Argument Essay

1.) You choose an arguable topic (issue), one on which reasonable people can disagree.

2.) You clearly and explicitly state a position on that topic, and your purpose is to persuade readers at least to grant the reasonableness of your position, if not to accept it as their own.

3.) You support your position with reasons and evidence.

4.) You draw that support from credible sources; that is, you demonstrate your familiarity with what has been commonly said about this topic, and make your position persuasive in part because the sources of that support are recognized authorities.

5.) You anticipate obvious questions and objections that readers might have to your position, and you concede, accommodate, or refute as needed.

6.) The essay has an introduction, body, and conclusion.

7.) Each paragraph is unified – by having one, and only one, topic – and the paragraphs are long enough to be convincing, their topics developed with specific information.

8.) The essay is carefully organized – the paragraphs are arranged in a logical order.

9.) The essay is coherent – a forecasting statement is included in the introduction, the first sentence of each paragraph is a topic sentence, there are smooth transitions between (and within) paragraphs, and the conclusion refers back to the introduction.

10.) The choice of words is precise and appropriate and standard English.

11.) If there are errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics, they do not distract the reader nor obscure the essay’s ideas.

12.) You include a bibliography of at least four sources; you make appropriate use of quotation, paraphrase, and summary; you use MLA style for the bibliography and in-text citations.

13.) You turn in copies of the sources cited, and you develop the essay well (at least 1300 words).  In addition, you submit a portfolio containing all the work you did in the process of writing the essay.

Copyright ©2010 by Scott R. Stankey / All rights reserved
Last revised on March 04, 2010 by Scott R. Stankey