Punctuating "Signal Phrases"


In her essay, "In Bed," Joan Didion states, "The physiological error called migraine is, in brief, central to the given of my life" (35).

When she is in bed with a migraine, Joan Didion suggests that she is "insensible to the world around [her]" ("In Bed" 35).

When describing her mother, Annie Dillard, in her essay, "An American Childhood," writes, "She herself held many unpopular, even fantastic, positions" (55).

In "An American Childhood," Annie Dillard argues that "torpid conformity was a kind of sin; it was stupidity itself" (55).

In his essay, "The Inheritance of Tools," Scott Russell Sanders does a brilliant job in describing his reaction to the news of the death of his father: "For several hours I paced around inside my house, upstairs and down, in and out of every room, looking for the right door to open and knowing there was no such door" (142).