Editing for Fragments


Social communities have been recognized among humans for thousands of years.  But it is only within the last century. That humans have become aware of social communities among other animals. After studying primates, and monkeys in particular.  Researchers have concluded that these creatures have relatively sophisticated methods of communication, employing different sounds to signal different meanings. Because calls warning of danger are recognizably different from calls indicating the approach of another monkey. Researchers believe that their "language" is based on survival skills.  There is also a hierarchy among members of monkey groups, especially among vervet monkeys.  Vervets identify themselves according to family, community, and social rank, and their behavior is governed by some concept of social relationships.  In this way vervets are very much like humans.  Who also define themselves in terms of their relationships to others.  Although vervets do not have the intellectual capacity of humans.  Their communities often run far more smoothly than do their human counterparts.