Editing for Fragments, Run-on Sentences, and Comma Splices


Work is a hard word to define, it has too many different meanings.  It seems to mean anything that requires an expenditure of energy.  Like carrying furniture or unloading ships.  However, some kinds of work don’t involve expending energy I’m thinking or computer programming or accounting.  Unless you count mental energy.  On the other hand, some activities that expend a lot of energy are not really work.  Playing tennis takes a lot of energy.  Especially the way I play, but it’s not considered work.  Maybe work is anything you get paid for doing.  That would cover computer programming and accounting, and it would not include tennis.  However, it also would not include chopping wood or shoveling snow.  Which both seem like a lot of work to me.  It also would not include winning the lottery or inheriting a million dollars neither of these is really work.  Now I think that I’ve got it, work is any activity that requires an expenditure of physical or mental energy and that you have to do even if you don’t want to.  Writing this definition, for example, was a lot of work.