Sample Grading Standards

(Anoka Ramsey Community College)

The “A” paper demonstrates originality of thought in stating and developing a central idea.  Its ideas are clear, logical, and thought-provoking.  It contains all the following characteristics of good writing:

The “B” paper has a clearly stated central purpose, logically and adequately developed.  Its ideas are clear because it contains some of the preceding characteristics of good writing.  It is comparatively free of errors in the use of English.  Although competent, the “B” paper lacks the originality of thought and style that characterizes the “A” paper.

The average paper will receive a grade of “C.”  It has a central idea and is organized clearly enough to convey its purpose to the reader.  It demonstrates adequate knowledge of the concepts in question and relates them to readings, experience, and class discussions.  It avoids serious errors in the use of English.  It may, in fact, need few correction marks, but it lacks the vigor of thought and expression that would entitle it to an above-average rating.

The grade of “D” indicates below-average achievement in the correct and effective expression of ideas.  Most “D” papers contain serious errors in the use of English and fail either to present a central idea or to develop and support it adequately.  With more careful proofreading and fuller development, many “D” papers might be worth at least a “C.”

The grade of “F” usually indicates failure to state or develop a main idea.  It may also indicate serious errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and/or sentence structure.  Avoid the following errors: