Grading Criteria for English 102

(Mankato State University)

The “A” essay (Superior) exhibits these strengths:

Note: The “A” paper is distinguished from the “B” paper by a more assured prose style, more creativity in form or content, more subtlety in rhetorical strategy.

The “B” essay (Very Good) exhibits most of these strengths:

Note: Mere absence of errors will not be rewarded with a “B.”

The “C” essay (Satisfactory) exhibits these characteristics:

The “D” essay (Deficient) exhibits some but not all of the following weaknesses:

Note: Originality of style or thought will not excuse the deficiencies listed for “D” or “F” papers.

The “F” essay (Failing) exhibits some of these weaknesses:

Note: Failure to fulfill the assignment (even though a paper is turned in) will result in a grade of “F.”