Name: ________________________________________

English __________ / Term __________ / Essay # __________

Paper Format: The final draft manuscript is formatted correctly based on the information given in class and on pages 71 and 521-530 of LBB – the paper is entirely double-spaced, there are 1.00-1.25” margins on all four sides, the correct information is in the upper-left-hand corner of the first page, the writer’s last name and page number are in the upper-right-hand corner of each page, and the paper has a title.

Excellent                    Very Good                    Acceptable                    Unacceptable

Introduction: The topic of the essay is introduced in an interesting and original way; it catches the reader’s attention.

Excellent                    Very Good                    Acceptable                    Unacceptable

Thesis Statement: The central idea for the entire essay – and possibly the direction of the paper (a list, forecast, or blueprint) – is clearly and specifically stated in one or more sentences in the introduction (or in another acceptable place).

Excellent                    Very Good                    Acceptable                    Unacceptable

Main Ideas / Topic Sentences: The main idea in each body paragraph is clearly stated and focuses the paragraph; each paragraph stays focused on its main idea; each main idea supports the essay’s thesis.

Excellent                    Very Good                    Acceptable                    Unacceptable

Support / Evidence: Well-chosen examples, specific details, and clear explanations (and possibly summaries and quotations from other writers) are provided in each body paragraph to support its topic sentence.

Excellent                    Very Good                    Acceptable                    Unacceptable

Organization / Structure: The body paragraphs are arranged in a clear and logical order.

Excellent                    Very Good                    Acceptable                    Unacceptable

Coherence: Clear and clear and smooth transitions are used for a “smooth flow” from paragraph to paragraph.

Excellent                    Very Good                    Acceptable                    Unacceptable

Conclusion: The essay concludes in an interesting and satisfying way; the thesis and main points may be restated, but something else is also done to get the reader thinking beyond the paper.

Excellent                    Very Good                    Acceptable                    Unacceptable

Sentences / Grammar: Standard edited American English is used; few sentence-level errors remain – i.e., fragments, run-ons, comma splices.

Excellent                    Very Good                    Acceptable                    Unacceptable

Words / Spelling / Usage: Standard edited American English is used; few errors remain in the areas of spelling and correct word usage.

Excellent                    Very Good                    Acceptable                    Unacceptable

Punctuation / Mechanics: Standard edited American English is used; few errors remain in the areas of commas, semicolons, colons, apostrophes, quotation marks, hyphens/dashes, capitalization, underlining, abbreviations, and use of numbers.

Excellent                    Very Good                    Acceptable                    Unacceptable

Summaries and Quotations / References: Summaries and quotations are correctly identified.  Summaries are accurate and presented in the writer’s own words.  Quotations are accurate, use quotation marks correctly, and end with a parenthetical citation.  References to writers and titles are clear and correct.

Excellent                    Very Good                    Acceptable                    Unacceptable


Grade: _____
