Grading Full-Length In-Class Essays


Scores using "Half-Grades":

100, 50, 40, 20 = 100% = A+

95, 48, 38, 19 = 95% = A = "Superior Achievement"

90, 45, 36, 18 = 90% = A- / B+

85, 43, 34, 17 = 85% = B = "Above Average Achievement"

80, 40, 32, 16 = 80% = B- / C+

75, 38, 30, 15 = 75% = C = "Average Achievement"

70, 35, 28, 14 = 70% = C- / D+

65, 33, 26, 13 = 65% = D = "Below Average Achievement"

60, 30, 24, 12 = 60% = D- / F+

55, 28, 22, 11 = 55% = F = "Inadequate Achievement"


Questions I Ask as I Read:

1.) Does the essay directly address the essay prompt / assignment?

2.) Does the essay have a brief but clear introduction (1-2 sentences)?

3.) Does the essay have a clear focus or thesis statement?

4.) Is the essay clearly organized and easy to follow?

5.) Does the essay provide a sufficient amount of specific and relevant examples and details in each body paragraph? Additionally, are there clear explanations of how the "evidence" supports the main idea and thesis statement?

6.) Does the essay have a brief but clear conclusion (1-2 sentences)?

7.) If there are errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics, are there too many of them? In other words, are the number of errors so distracting that it is hard to read the essay without having to slow down and sort through the errors?