Sample Works Cited

Anonymous.  “My Life with Cooties.”  Mysterious Diseases on the Web.  2004.  30 Mar. 2004 <>.

Bruce.  “Bruce’s Story.”  Weird Relationship Diseases.  2002.  30 Mar. 2004 <>.

Carter, Janie.  “Living with Cooties.”  Time 15 Feb. 2001: 31+.  PALS.  30 Mar. 2004 <>.

“Lying About My Cooties.”  Teen 30 June 2003: 47.

“Managing Life with Cooties.”  Bad Relationship Scares.  2000.  30 Mar. 2004 <>.


NOTE: Be consistent about listing sources; for example, why are two “anonymous” sources listed by title while the third “anonymous” source is listed by Anonymous?


Sample Correct In-Text Citations

According to Anonymous, “Living with cooties can be frightful” (“My Life”).

The author of “My Life with Cooties” rejects the notion that “cooties is a myth” (Anonymous).

According to an article from Mysterious Diseases on the Web, people with cooties are looked down on by people without cooties (Anonymous).

One cooties sufferer, Bruce, admits that a rash can accompany cooties (“Bruce’s Story”).

The author of “Bruce’s Story” sometimes stays home for days at a time when his cooties breaks out (Bruce).

Janie argues that cooties sufferers need to get both medical and psychological help as soon as possible after contracting cooties (Carter 31+).

According to Janie Carter, “Once I was diagnosed, the nightmare began” (31+).

The author of “Living with Cooties” emphasizes that “cooties is indeed contagious” (Carter 31+).

According to an anonymous author, “At the point of contact, it only takes a matter of seconds for cooties to enter the bloodstream” (“Managing”).

According to the author of “Managing Life with Cooties,” the hardest part was “the shame of going in to be tested for cooties” (n.pag.).


Sample Incorrect In-Text Citations

According to an anonymous source, “Cooties are the worst” (n.pag.)

According to a source from Mysterious Diseases on the Web, only qualified medical professionals can test for cooties (“My Life”).

One source from Weird Relationship Diseases was “distressed and contemplated suicide” after his positive test for cooties (n.pag.).

Bruce often has trouble admitting his diagnosis to family and friends (2002).

An article in Time magazine suggests that “having cooties is worse than . . . expected” (31+).

Another article, this one from Teen magazine, confirmed that being diagnosed with cooties is a “staggering blow to one’s self esteem” (47).

The author of “Managing Life with Cooties” hopes that a cure for cooties can soon be found (