Essay #4

Process-Reflection Memo

Before you turn in your final draft and portfolio of Essay #4, take some time to reflect on your essay and on the "process" you went through as you wrote your essay.  Then, write a memo to me telling me about the "high" and "low" points of your essay and the process you went through.  The memo should have three basic parts: (1) your reflection on your final draft, (2) your reflection on your writing process, and (3) any suggestions you have for me.  For example:

1.) Reflecting on your final draft:

2.) Reflecting on your writing process:

3.) Questions and/or suggestions for me:

You do not need to respond to all of these "bullets," nor do you need to respond to the "bullets" in any particular order.  I want you to think critically about your essay and your writing process; then write to me about those things that you think are most important.  Use the "bullets" above as a guide to get you thinking.  Think about writing one paragraph for each of the three sections, and respond to the "bullets" collectively in each paragraph.

Your memo to me could also take the form of a letter.  In either case, you can be more "informal" -- in your memo or letter, I am most interested in your ideas and your critical thinking about your paper and your writing process.  I'm not going to look for grammar, spelling, punctuation, or mechanical mistakes in your memo or letter.  But, I am going to look to see if you took enough time to carefully think about your essay and your writing process.

For your memo or letter, think about 1.0 to 1.5 page(s), double-spaced.