Essay #1

A Step-by-Step

Revision Planning Exercise





1.) Write INTRO next to your introduction paragraph, if you have one, and write CONCL next to your conclusion paragraph, if you have one.





2.) Number each of your BODY paragraphs -- i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, etc.





3.) On another sheet of paper, make an outline for your draft -- use the numbers for the body paragraphs you added earlier. What what information does each paragraph contain? Use key words, phrases, or complete sentences to describe each numbered paragraph on your outline.





4.) Study the order of your main ideas: Why did you arrange them this way? Does the order make sense? Write down a short explanation of why or why not. Consider possible rearrangements.





5.) Looking at your outline -- the list of your main ideas for this essay -- ask yourself, "What do they all 'add up' to?" What do they all point to? What do they all illustrate, or reflect, or demonstrate? Also consider your peer reviewers: what did they say was the main point of your essay? Write a THESIS statement that brings together and summarizes all the main ideas of your essay.





6.) Study each of your BODY paragraphs for Focus -- underline your topic sentence (TS) if you have one, and cross out anything that doesn't belong.





7.) Study each of your BODY paragraphs for Development (a.k.a. "support" or "evidence") -- note what needs to be added or rewritten. Think about examples and details from your own life. Think about quotations or descriptions from the book.

Body Paragraphs - Info #1

Body Paragraphs - Info #2

Body Paragraphs - Ex #1

Body Paragraphs - Ex 2





8.) What's Next?





Begin revising your essay using the ideas you wrote down during last week's peer review.

Begin revising your essay using the ideas from today's revision planning exercise.

Revision continues tomorrow in the computer lab.