Class Notes for Summary-Response Paper


Four Basic Parts:

1.)  Introduction (one paragraph)

2.)  Summary (one paragraph) -- straight reportage -- objective

3.)  Response (multiple paragraphs) -- your ideas as it relates to the essay -- see ideas below

4.)  Conclusion (one paragraph)


What is Summary and How Do We Do It?

A summary restates the main ideas of a piece of writing in our own words.  Thus, a summary is much shorter than the original.

Begin the summary process by outlining the essay you want to summarize.  Instead of a "Roman Numeral" outline, number the paragraphs in the essay and then go through the essay, paragraph by paragraph, deciding which paragraphs belong together and which paragraphs stand alone.  Then, for each paragraph or group of paragraphs, write down the main idea(s) -- the key words or phrases -- that best "sum up" each part.  Finally, using all the main ideas, key words, and key phrases, write out a summary paragraph in your own words.


For the response section, there are several common approaches:

A.)  Respond directly to points made in the essay -- agree, add on to the points, apply the author's ideas to your own life, give more support (examples from your own life)

B.)  Respond directly to points made in the essay -- disagree, contrast, challenge, critique

C.)  Add new points not mentioned in the essay

D.)  Change the perspective toward the essay -- e.g. male/female, past/present/future, etc.

E.)  Evaluate the writer's essay -- what is good and bad about the writing and the ideas in the essay?

F.)  Other ideas are possible -- check with me if you have something that doesn't seem to fit one of the above categories.


Last Updated: 09 July 2009 by SRS