Beginning my Educational Plan: Essay #4



          I have engaged a variety of activities this semester that have helped me realize the best suited career choices for my personality: Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Values Assessment, and Holland Codes Self-Directed Search (SDS).  The purpose of these activities is to help me get to know myself, understand my personality, and discover what values I base my decisions on.  I am having a great deal of success synthesizing this information and the results of these assessments have called my attention to develop concrete plans.



1.) Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

          The MBTI is the most relevant assessment because the results have helped me understand my personality, and why I make the choices I do.  I have taken the MBTI last and again this year.  Each time I had the same results; introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving (INFP).  I am comfortable with my results, though after further investigation I found out INFP' make up only one percent of the population.

          Having a minority score could be viewed in two different ways; one could present conflict when associating with others.  Knowing others personality types and tendencies will bridge any perceived communication gap.  Alternatively my intuitive style may be more fortuitous than other styles.  Of these qualities I am most interested in developing my extravert (E) qualities which labeled as being slight; to enable me to reach out in more situations than I currently do.  This measurement means that there is a slight variation between introverted and extroverted communication styles.  My intuition (N) is very clear, allowing me to notice patterns and future possibilities.  After extensive personal research of MBTI I have found communication is best less superficial and straight to the point.  For INFP's listening and observing is the most reliable communication.  One potential weakness for me is focusing on the potential implications and not the realistic applications of my ideas, as stated in the personality type tool kit.  Reflecting on these personal traits I am aware now that the career I choose should involve people, while allowing plenty of room for independent thought, and finding solutions using insight and strategic thinking to allow me to thrive personally and professionally.


2.) Values Card Sort

          Another valuable resource to help me search for a fulfilling career is the Values Card Sort.  I have realized possessing integrity, knowledge, and advocating the betterment of society are the most important values.  These results reflect "who" I am, and I know this because I am only happy when learning something new, and able to openly share my information with others.  With this information I have found careers that are congruent with my values:  psychologist, holistic medicine, and counselor.  I would like to strengthen my value of "precision work" contemporaneously developing friendships and bettering the environment.


3.) Self-Directed Search (SDS)

          A third source I explored was the General Occupation Themes-Holland Codes Self-Directed Search (SDS). My Holland Code score showed that I am social, investigative, and artistic (SIA) which are exactly the results I want to have.  The careers matched with these attributes are psychologist, speech pathologist, and attorney.  The SDS career suggestions are congruent with my personality, values, and interests.  For any of the three choices it is important to be investigative, intuitive, and knowledgeable.  These results are reassuring because I have considered these careers before taking any of the previously mentioned assessments.  I am pleased because now, I can quit imagining I will be excellent in these fields and begin working toward my ambition.  I know I am on the correct path after taking these assessments.



1.) Psychologist

          This career meets all of my values and allows me to bring other principles to full effect.  Values of integrity, helping society, and gaining knowledge will be recognized, in addition to earning a comfortable salary, and being able to better the environment.  In fact, all of my assessments lead me to this profession because of my intuition, foresight, and understanding of others this is the career I will pursue.


2.) Attorney

           I have the option of pursuing the career choice of attorney.  I can accomplish being an attorney after I attain my bachelor of arts in psychology or I can pursue this dream later in life with a PhD in psychology then return for a degree in law.  In a perfect world I would be able to hold my values high in regard, and not waiver.  In the existent world, to "do the right thing", I see myself having to maneuver through risky situations in order to protect what or who needs to be protected.  Unfortunately the truth is not always spoken in the language of the court system, and without learning that language; I could be jeopardizing another's wellbeing. Sometimes to do what is correct; one must do "wrongly".  It is questionable as to whether this is against my values; ultimately I would have to say that maneuvering through the truth is not in favor of what I believe.


Action Plan:

1.) Anoka-Ramsey Community College

          To meet the lower division writing intensive requirements for transfer to the U of M and an Associate of Arts degree at ARCC, I will register for the following courses:

Spring '07 Summer '07 Fall '07 Spring '08
ENGL 1121










  ENGL 2203


U of M



          I have learned through experience it is essential to determine my goals before tackling any challenge if I expect a specific outcome.  My goals for education begin here at Anoka-Ramsey Community college.  I need to raise my grade point average a few tenths to be inducted into P.T.K., this will open the door to many scholarships and lessen my financial burden.  My grade point average will start over when I transfer to the U of M; I will continue the same goal there.  I will submit a general application to the U of M and upon acceptance submit a second application to the College of liberal Arts (CLA) with an updated transcript.


2.) Transportation

          I will be taking the bus departing Northtown Mall around 9am on the 852 Express to 4th Street NW, transfer to the 50U limited stop, and arrive at the Coffman Union around 9:40 am.  On my return trip I will be riding the 16 University Avenue route, the 2C Franklin, or the 50 LTD transfer at 4th Street South and Nicollet, 6th Street SE and Hennepin Avenue, or 4th and Nicollet again, then Transfer on the 10N Central Avenue Northtown route.  These busses all stop at Coffman Union every hour forty minutes after.  I will need to purchase a transportation pass from the college ($15.00), and a U-Pass ($62.00) can be purchased online using my university student account anytime during the semester.


3.) Annual Budget

          My tuition will be deferred until financial aid disbursements.  To major in psychology and minor in sociology it will cost approximately $4,700.00 per semester, $9,410.00 annually without taking any summer classes; I will need around fifty credits at this stage for my Bachelor of Arts.  This amount is the flat rate for the thirteen credit minimum, credits fourteen through twenty can be taken at no cost.  I have $13,400.00 in loans and approximately $5,930 in grants available annually.  I estimate my books being $400.00 giving me a semester total of $5,100.00 leaving $16,100.00.  My rent is $7,800.00 annually, transportation $1,400.00 (U-pass and gasoline), insurance $900.00, phone $600.00, utilities $1,200.00, which leaves $4,200.00 for the year, or $350.00 per month, including the summer months, for groceries and any unexpected expenses.  This budget is expected to continue for four semesters, approximately two years until graduate school.  The tuition is currently $776.00 per credit at the graduate level; however, the available loans are re-evaluated at this point.



          Looking back on the personality, values, and interest tests I have completed this semester, they have all reassured me that psychology is my best career choice.  Synthesizing the results shows I should educate myself in the field of psychology and possibly go to law school.  These careers satisfy my values and the level of fulfillment I desire, most importantly that my personality and character fits the "type" of person that is best suited for these careers.  I was not always certain I possessed the skills necessary to reach these goals; after taking all of these tests, I know I am suited to do the tasks required in these careers and I welcome any challenges along the way.