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Essay 4 / Final Draft


          Why am I here?  What did I come here for?  These are questions I asked myself, about my college decision, this semester while in my English class.  We have explored the way we think and what we are made of, in hopes of determining our next step here in college and in making a good choice.  The different tools we used were the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Value Card Sort, and our Self Directed Searches.  By exploring these we have found which occupations or careers would best fit our personalities, values, and our interests.  Each of these tests told us different things about ourselves.  It was our job to gather the information and use it to find what our next step should towards our future.  I'm not sure I agree with the results from these tests and exercises but they have challenged me to move forward in figuring out what I want to do.


1.) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

          The first test we took was the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)).  This test helped us figure out what personality type we were.  My reported type was ESFP.  The "E" stands for extroversion.  I was a clear "E".  This means that I prefer to focus on the outward world of people and things.  The next was "S".  I was a moderate level so this means I'm most likely an "S" but could possibly be an "N".  The "S" stands for sensing, this means that I tend to focus on the present and on concrete information gained from my senses.  The "N" stands for intuition, and this means I focus on the future.  My next reported type was an "F", which stands for feeling.  I was a definite "F"; this means that I tend to base my decisions primarily on values and on subjective evaluation of personal concerns.  There was a slight difference between the "J" and the "P", meaning I could be either one.  The "J" stands for judging and the "P" stands for perceiving.  I was slightly more perceiving.  This means that I like a flexible and spontaneous approach to life and prefer to keep my options open, yet at times I like a planned and organized approach to life and prefer to have things settled.

          Some of the reported types came out to be very close.  How could I be both?  I believe the answer depends upon the mood I'm in.  This means that for any of the reported types where my level was moderate or slight, I could be either one of the, depending on the circumstances.  I am very clearly and "E" because I am outgoing, friendly, and accepting.  The MBTI test reveals that my other characteristics would be an exuberant lover of life, people, and material comforts.  I would enjoy working with others and making things happen.  I would bring common sense and a realistic approach to work, and make work fun.  Along with common sense I am flexible and spontaneous, adapt quickly to new people and environments.  I would learn best by trying a new skill with other people.  After I read this the first time I didn't agree with anything that it said.  Now that I've read it over a few times I can really see  myself being these things.  I am always the most outgoing one of my friends and enjoy meeting new people.  I do make decisions based on my feelings a lot.  I believe these feelings are more than just feelings though.  I think they go deeper because of the values and morals my parents instilled in me.

2.) The Value Card Sort

          In the Value Card Sort we learned about different values that we knew we already had and some that we didn't.  The top values came out as helping others, intellectual status, creative expression, practicality, and public contact.  All of these values really do describe me.  Helping others is one thing that I want to be able to do; serving others to make their life easier appeals to me.  Expressing my self in creative way really makes me excited about the task at hand.  Music has always been a way that I have expressed myself creatively.  As for a practical work environment, it's important to me to work in a place where it's feasible to meet the set goals.  Some other things I found in the card sort that I value are profit gain, fun, and humor.  These areas match up the (MBTI) test.  I'm very outgoing and friendly, which coordinates with some of my values like being creative, helping others, and fun and humor.

3.) The Self-Directed Search

          The last test we took was the Self-Directed Search.  It asked us many questions about activities we liked or disliked.  My summary code is "AES".  The "A" stands for Artistic occupations, the "E" stands for enterprising occupations, and the "S" stands for social occupations.  There are a few occupations that I am interested in that fit with my code.  They are director of photography, editor of film or video tape, news editor, and industrial designer.  These occupations require mostly a level five or six education.  There are possible variations to my code with other occupations that I would interested in.  They are housing project manager, music supervisor, and producer in T.V., radio or motion picture.  They all sound interesting, but I'm not sure if they are what I really want to do. To find that out, I've done research ona couple of possible careers.


1.) Music composer, director, and arranger

          One possible job of interest would be a music composer, director and arranger.  Another title I have found that to be is a music supervisor, writing and arranging music for films, T.V. or concerts.  Possible majors that I would need for this type of position would be a Fine and Performing Arts, with a background in English Literature and Business.  Being a music supervisor makes sense for me because it closely aligns with my personality, values, and interests.  My personality trait, of being outgoing lends itself to a career of performing on stage and sharing my artistry with others.  Often music is a collaboration, so you would need to be able to work well with others to get a job done, which is another one of my traits.  One value that I have is creative expression.  I believe that one of the most creative and artistic expressions is music, but I haven't yet decided if this is the career path I want to take.

2.) Pharmacist

          Another occupation that I would consider for myself would be becoming a Pharmacist.  This occupation was not on my list of possible careers, but it is something that I have been interested in for a while now.  The possible majors for this occupation would be a Master's, Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy, and Pharmacy Administration.  It  doesn't match up completely with the results from the Self Directed Search, but some parts of my personality do, like enjoying working with others to make things happen and bringing a common sense and realistic approach to work.  The values line up quite well.  Helping people is what I value most and providing medicine and assistance to people in need is a great way of doing that.  Intellectual status is another thing I value.  A great deal of school is required to be a Pharmacist, so people should respect you for the de4cision to apply yourself like that.  I would need a concrete plan of action for the next few years of my life to accomplish my goals.

Action Plan:

          Putting the knowledge I gained from these tests together to plan what to do next will be the hardest part of this semester.  My first plan of action is to finish out my generals here at Anoka Ramsey.  Next I would like to transfer to the University of Minnesota and major in either Pharmaceutical Sciences or Business.  Looking at the big picture I would like to continue with school and get my Master's Degree.  One of my good friends is a Pharmacist at Allina Medical Center here in Coon Rapids.  I would like get an internship there for work experience.  I have heard the pharmaceutical program at the University of Minnesota is very hard to get into.  Hopefully with the internship I should have enough experience to be accepted into the program..  Doing well in the classes I take now will only help me have a better my chances.


            This semester this English class helped me discover new things about myself.  The Myer's-Briggs Type Indicator revealed what kind of personality I am the types of situations where I will flourish.  The Value Card Sort showed me the things that are very important to and the things that are not so important in picking a career.  The Self Directed Search revealed occupations and careers that would possibly fit me.  All of these were helpful in their own way and I can use the information from them to support my decision of what path to take next.  Considering the results of these tests can only help me figure out what I want to do now, rather than later, saving me from the anguish that many, many students go through by changing their majors time and time again.