Jennifer Crichton

Reading Notes and Outline / Preparing to Summarize


Section I (par. 1) -- Introduction:

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Section II (pars. 2-3) -- High School:

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Section III (pars. 4-5) -- Identity:

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Section IV (pars. 6-8) -- The Writer Herself:

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Section V (par. 9) -- Barriers:

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Section VI (pars. 10-12) -- Examples:

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Section VII (par. 13) -- Two Motivations:

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Section VIII (pars. 14-17) -- Examples / Role-Playing:

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Section IX (pars. 18-19) -- The Writer Herself / Conclusion:

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Drafting the Summary:

  1. Copy and paste all the section summaries together. This helps insure that the summary matches the organization of the essay.

  2. Go through and eliminate details and repetitions and redundancies.

  3. Go through and work on coherence (flow).

  4. Begin the summary with a reference to the author's full name and the full title.

  5. Also begin with an "overall statement" which states the essay's central idea. The rest of the summary will present the essay's main ideas.

In the essay, "'Who Shall I Be?' The Allure of a Fresh Start," Jennifer Crichton argues that . . . [come up with and insert the central idea / thesis]. Then ADD the section summaries [or main ideas] in order.