Cristina Salat

Prewriting for Essay #1

Jot down quick responses to these questions:

1.) Thinking about your own experience, were you eager to apply to college (and to possibly leave home), like Malia, or were you not quite ready, like Robin? Why?

2.) Speculate about how Robin's mother died. What details in the story led you to that theory?

3.) Are you more like Malia (someone with concrete goals), or are you more like Robin (someone with abstract goals)?

4.) Compare Malia's and Robin's lists of goals. who do you think is more likely to be satisfied? Can you judge this simply from someone's goals? Why or why not?

5.) Why do you think Robin doesn't get on the bus when it stops for her?

6.) What does the dog represent for Robin? What details in the story led you to that conclusion?

7.) How does the title of the story, "50% Chance of Lightning," play a role in the story?

8.) Do you think college is the only way for someone to "find themselves" after high school or to find out what they want to do with their life?