Patti See


Write out responses to these questions:

1.) Everyone on the two ARCC campuses is a "commuter," as was Patti See, the writer. What does she write about being a commuter that you particularly identify with, or can at least relate to? What do you think of when you hear the word "commuter"? Is it a word with more positive connotations or more negative connotations?

2.) The writer, Patti See, says that she felt isolated on campus, especially during her first semester.  Does she "choose" to be isolated? If so, in what ways? And, if so, why does she choose this?

3.) How do you feel on campus? Connected? Isolated? With whom do you talk to, hang around with, eat with, etc. while on campus? Do you "choose" to be isolated or not? Why or why not? What do you like and dislike about your "connections" to other people on campus?

4.) What is your relationship to your professors? Do you talk to them before or after class? Do you go see and talk to them in their offices? Do you "take them home with you" as you drive back and forth?

5.) Some colleges and universities require students to live in the dorms, at least for their freshman year. What do you think of this requirement?

6.) What is your current living situation -- At home with parents and family? Away from home on your own? Away from home with friends? How do you feel about your current living situation, particularly as it relates to your college career?

7.) What would be your ideal living situation, right now, especially as it relates to your college career? Describe it.

8.) See discusses the difference between her education and her parents' education. (It seems similar to Walter's situation in Will Weaver's short story, "The Undeclared Major.") What are some differences between your education and that of your parents? What are some similarities?