In-Class Writing for Thursday, January 12, 2006

Pre-Writing for Essay #1

(Do all of this today even if you've already done some of it.)

(Due at the end of class today; print out a copy for me.)


Step #1

Make a list of ALL the JOBS you've ever had, both paid and volunteer, both short term and long term.  This list does not have to be in chronological order, but sometimes it helps us to think that way.

Step # 2

From the list you just generated, pick ONE job that is still very much vivid in your memory, but it doesn't have to be your current job if you don't want it to be.  Make a list of ALL the PEOPLE you can remember who worked at that job with you.  Try to list as many people as you can remember.  These people can be those:

Step #3

Thinking about all the people on this list, make a 2-column table (or just make 2 different lists), and list all the ways you can think of in which you were SIMILAR TO and DIFFERENT FROM the other people on the list.  And remember: it's possible that you will be similar to only some of the people some of the time, and different from only some of the people some of the time; and, maybe sometimes you are only similar to or different from only one other person.  That's fine.  There may also be some "over-laps."  Don't make this too hard; just write down EVERYTHING that comes to mind.  Be as SPECIFIC and as DETAILED as you can be.  Perhaps think especially about the ways you are similar and different in terms of:

Sample Table:

Similarities Differences





Step #4

NOTE: Think about Richard Rodriguez's essay, "Workers" as you are working on this step.  He learned things about himself, but he also learned some things about the other people he was working with.  And, he learned things which affected or influenced him later on in life.

Now "free-write" using sentences and paragraphs (rather than list, but you can list if it's working for you) -- but do NOT worry about grammar, punctuation, spelling, and all that -- about what you've learned from all of this:


Good work!  Now print a copy for me.  I'll return it to you tomorrow.