What is an "Essay"?


Definitions of an "essay":


An "essay" is also known as:


Basic features of an essay:


"Good" essays are:


A "formal" essay:


Formal essay qualities:

  1. Serious purpose

  2. Dignity

  3. Logical organization

  4. Length

  5. The term may include both short discussions, expository or argumentative, and longer treatises

A "personal" essay:

Informal essay qualities:

  1. The personal element

  2. Humor

  3. Graceful style

  4. Rambling structure

  5. Unconventionality or novelty

  6. Freedom from stiffness and affectation

  7. Incomplete or tentative treatment of topic

Another classification system (the "aims"):


A third classification system (the "modes"):

A fourth classification system (the "genres"):