Old field succession site (a & b) - This site was
last plowed in 1968. It is divided into a flat area (b) and a
south-facing sloped area (a) that produces a warmer, drier (xeric)
microclimate than on the flat area. As a result, succession on the
slope has been slower than in the flat area as evidenced by these
photographs. The view is from on top of the slope looking south in both
cases. The school can be seen in the 1972 photo in the background, but
woody vegetation growth now obscures that view.
1972 2006

The west field was planned to be a prairie and oak
savannah but has not been managed in the last few years and sumac and
small trees. We are currently planning to restore the prairie and
oak savanna in 2007.
West field looking southeast in 1972 (left)
and May 2002 (Middle). Left photo is same area in October
2006 but looking north from near the river. Staghorn sumac
with its red berry cluster still visible in spring and bright red in the
fall continue to grow despite being cutback twice in the early 2000s. No
sumac is present in 1972.
Notice that the school is no longer visible from the field and many
trees are encroaching along the border.
© 2013 Anoka-Ramsey Community College - Biology Department.
The contents of this page have not been reviewed by ARCC.
Last Updated -August 12, 2016
Comments or Problems contact:
Melanie Waite-Altringer or
Joan McKearnan or
Terry Teppen |