Anoka-Ramsey Community College and Ever Cat Fuels, LLC., both located in Minnesota, have teamed up to encourage land owners to plant Energy Crops- The SUSTAINABLE way to produce Biodiesel.


Anoka-Ramsey Community College's

Beneficial Pollinating Insect Study - 2015




     Late April 2015, Anoka-Ramsey Community College began their study on various flowering field environments

(energy crop, restored prairie, and wildflower fields) and their influence on beneficial pollinating insects at the demonstration site of Anoka-Ramsey Community College's Cambridge campus. 




Scroll down page for dated project information.


September 14, 2015:

  • The Bayer CropScience InVigor canola was harvested on the September 14th using a John Deer 9770 STS Combine. Cadieux Ag Service of Hallock, MN hauled the canola to the CHS processing facilities in Hallock, MN for oil extraction. The wildflower field continues to have many tall blooming flowers along with a few butterflies and honeybees. The restored prairie area is now mainly grasses with some small patches goldenrod throughout it. 

  • Click on photos below to enlarge.


9-14-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola being combined at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 

9-14-15 Cab view of the Bayer CropScience InVigor canola being combined at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 

9-14-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola seed harvest seed at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 


9-14-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola being combined at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  

9-14-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola being placed in the Cadieux Ag Service trailer from the 9770 STS John Deere combine at the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 

9-14-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola being placed in the Cadieux Ag Service trailer to be shipped to CHS facilities in Hallock, MN for oil extraction.

9-14-15 Wildflower field still growing and blooming on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  


9-14-15 Wildflower field still growing and blooming on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 

9-14-15 Wildflower field still growing and blooming on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.



August 20, 2015:

  • The Bayer CropScience InVigor canola field was swathed By Jeff DeYoung Custom Harvesting on August 20th. The windrows are roughly 3 feet tall and 5 feet wide. Two varieties of canola with different maturity rates (InVigor L140P & L160S) were used to prolong the flowering time in the field, so the canola seeds in some areas are completely mature/brown and some are still somewhat green. Tall grasses are the dominating the restored prairie area, but clumps of flowers can still be seen within it. The wildflower field continues to bloom with a wide variety of flowers and has many beneficial insects throughout it.  Articles on the project:

    Isanti County New 8-14-15   Harvest Party at the College   

    Bayer CropScience Feed A Bee 8-4-15  50 cool ways to help feed a bee   

    Bayer CropScience Feed A Bee 8-1-15 Researchers Explore How Different Environments Affect Pollinators

    Anoka-Ramsey Community College news 8-6-15 College Hosts Harvest Party to Celebrate Collaborative Research


  • Click on photos below to enlarge.


8-20-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola being swathed on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

8-20-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola in windrows on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

8-20-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola swathed on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.


8-20-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola in windrows on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 

8-20-15 Cab view of Bayer CropScience InVigor canola being swathed on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  

8-20-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola in windrows on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  


8-20-15 Cab view of Bayer CropScience InVigor canola being swathed on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  


8-20-15 Jeff DeYoung making windrows of  InVigor canola using a 2012 MacDon with a 20 foot draper head at the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

8-20-15 Jeff DeYoung making windrows of  InVigor canola using a 2012 MacDon with a 20 foot draper head at the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  


8-20-15 Cab view of Bayer CropScience InVigor canola being swathed on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  

8-20-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola in windrows on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 

8-20-15 Restored Prairie area on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.   



8-20-15 Restored Prairie area on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.   



8-20-15 Restored Prairie area on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.   


8-20-15 Restored Prairie area on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.   

8-20-15 Wild Flower demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  


8-20-15 Wild Flower demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  

8-20-15 Wild Flower demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.



August 13, 2015:


8-13-15 Restored Prairie site RP1a at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

8-13-15 Restored Prairie site RP2 in the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 

8-13-15 Restored Prairie site RP2 at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 


8-13-15 Wildflower field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 

8-13-15 Wildflower field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 

8-13-15 Wildflower field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.   

8-13-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola field ready to be swathed at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  


8-13-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor L160S canola seeds at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  

8-13-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola field ready to be swathed at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  



July 27-July 30, 2015:

  • The Bayer CropScience InVigor canola field insect counts are now complete. The beneficial insect counts for the remaining two areas will continue on for at least a month. A few areas within the canola field are somewhat blown over due to the past week's storms and strong winds, but are still thick with seed pods. Beneficial insect counts remained high in the canola field despite the field only having small areas low density blooms. The restored prairie area is heavy with wild bergamot flowers and has many bees and butterflies hovering about. The wildflower field has a great diversity of flowers currently blooming, but still has many weeds growing throughout.

  • Click on photos below to enlarge.


7-30-15 Wildflower field site WF5A at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

7-30-15 Student researcher at Wildflower field site WF2 in the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 

7-30-15 Wildflower field site WF3 at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 


7-30-15 Restored prairie area at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 

7-30-15 Restored prairie area site RP1 at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 

7-30-15 A butterfly resting on a wild bergamot flower at the restored prairie area site RP5 at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  

7-27-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola field blooming at insect counting station CF5A at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  

7-27-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola field at insect counting station CF6 at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

7-27-15 Canola flower density at insect counting station CF5A at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.



July 7-July 19, 2015:

  • The Bayer CropScience InVigor canola field blooms are waning and pods are maturing rapidly. The weather over the last few weeks has been off and on storms with heavy rain and hot, humid weather. The wildflower field is blooming more abundantly and new species are maturing. The wildflower field has many weeds, but also many flowering plants. The restored prairie area has many clumps of new flowers as well as many grasses growing tall, which is expected. Each field environment has many insects throughout them, with the canola field having the greatest abundance of honey bees and bumble bees. The wildflower field has numerous small bees and other beneficial pollinating insects. The restored prairie area has many insects with the majority of them being grasshoppers and dragonflies, with quite a few small bees on the flowering plants.

  • Click on photos below to enlarge.


7-19-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola field thick with maturing pods at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

7-19-15  Bayer CropScience InVigor canola field maturing at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

7-17-15 Wildflower field at station WF4 within the demo plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 


7-17-15 Research student gathering data at the Restored Prairie area at station RP4 on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  

7-1-15 Wildflower field view at insect counting station WF2 on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  

7-9-15 Close overhead view of  the Wildflower field at insect counting station WF2 on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.   

7-9-15  Close overhead view of  the Restored Prairie area at insect counting station RP3 on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  

7-7-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola field blooming at insect counting station CF2 at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

7-7-15 Restored Prairie at insect counting station RP3 on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.





June 29-July 1, 2015:

  • The Bayer CropScience canola fields are in full bloom and are standing between 2 to 5.5 feet in height, with the average being roughly 4 feet high. The canola field is thick with flowers, with a few bare areas where the soil eroded away just after planting. The dominate flowering plant in the restored prairie area is the black eyed susan, but the beneficial pollinating insects have been mainly hovering around the other flowering plants during the insect counts. Some clumped areas of flowering plants have been blooming in the wildflower field and insect counts began there on July 1st.  Scattered thin areas of canola and camelina are growing within the wildflower field, along with milkweed and other flowering plants. The canola field has 8 insect count locations (CF1-CF8), the restored prairie area has 5 count locations (RP1-RP5), and the wildflower field has 5 count locations (WF1-WF5). All fields are full of insect activity and the weather has cooperated well enough to complete two insect counts per week at each field.

  • Click on photos below to enlarge.


7-1-15 Bayer CropScience canola field in full bloom at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

7-1-15 Research students standing in the Bayer CropScience canola field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

7-1-15 Close overhead view of  the Bayer CropScience canola field at station CF7 within the demo plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 


7-1-15 Close overhead view of  the Restored Prairie area at station RP3 on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  

7-1-15 Close overhead view of  the Wildflower field at insect counting station WF3 on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.  

7-1-15 Close overhead view of  the Wildflower field at insect counting station WF5 on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.   

6-29-15  View of all three fields looking west, Restored Prairie (foreground), Wildflower field (middle), and the Canola field in the far distance near the trees.

6-29-15 Restored Prairie on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

6-29-15 Restored Prairie at insect counting station RP2 on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

6-29-15 Wildflower field on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.


6-29-15 Wildflower field on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. 

6-29-15 Wildflower field on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.




June 18-22, 2015:

  • Waite-Altringer's online environmental lab students conducted soil tests to see how various aspects of soil effect canola growth within our demonstration plot. Canola growth at the site varied greatly from one area to another - from just a few plants growing in a square meter to well over 100. Beneficial insect counts continue in the restored prairie and the canola is blooming enough, in certain areas in the field, to begin insect counts on June 23rd.

  • Click on photos below to enlarge.


6-22-15 Research students at the Wildflower field demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

6-22-15 Bayer CropScience canola field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

6-22-15 Students working in the Bayer CropScience canola field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.


6-18-15 Bayer CropScience canola field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

6-18-15 Students soil sampling Bayer CropScience canola field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

6-18-15 Bayer CropScience canola field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

6-18-15 Students soil sampling Bayer CropScience canola field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

6-18-15 Bayer CropScience canola field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

6-18-15 Students soil sampling Bayer CropScience canola field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

6-18-15 Bayer CropScience canola field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

6-18-15 Students soil sampling Bayer CropScience canola field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

6-18-15 Bayer CropScience canola field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

6-18-15 Wild flower field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

6-18-15 Students testing soil samples from the canola field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

6-18-15 Bayer CropScience canola field at the demonstration plot on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College.


June 5, 2015:

  • Beneficial Insect counts have begun within 5 different sites in the Restored Prairie area- see photo below of the 60' long designated sites labeled RP1 - RP5 in yellow.  The sites are of thick patches of wild lupine flowers, since nothing else has flowered so extensively in the area. The wildflower field is continuing to sprout and the larger weeds that were growing in the field were applied with Roundup. The canola field is being sprayed with a mix of liberty and grass herbicides since that field is becoming overcome with weeds.   The height of the canola varies between 1" and 5".

  • Click on photos below to enlarge.

6-5-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola L140P and L160S emerging along with many weeds. Field was sprayed with liberty on 6-6-15.

6-5-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola L140P and L160S emerging along with many weeds. Field was sprayed with liberty on 6-6-15.

6-5-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola L140P and L160S emerging along with many weeds. Field was sprayed with liberty on 6-6-15.

6-5-15 Beneficial insect counts within the Restored Prairie area on the Cambridge campus.

6-5-15 Wild lupine growth within the Restored Prairie on the Cambridge campus.

6-5-15 Beneficial insect counts within the Restored Prairie area on the Cambridge campus.

6-5-15 Wildflower growth within on the Cambridge campus demonstration plot. Roundup was applied to selected grasses growing within the field.

6-5-15 Wildflower growth within on the Cambridge campus demonstration plot. Roundup was applied to selected grasses growing within the field.

6-5-15 Wildflower growth within on the Cambridge campus demonstration plot. Roundup was applied to selected grasses growing within the field.



May 26, 2015:

  • A few plants, mainly Wild Lupine and Golden Alexander, are beginning to flower in the restored prairie area on the Cambridge campus. The Bayer CropScience InVigor L140P & L160S canola are still just emerging with a few of the plants already roughly 2" (5cm) tall on the Hokanson-Kelly land located across the road from the College property. The College's 25 acre demonstration plot has many plants beginning to emerge with small clumps of winter camelina flowering. Nearly 2 inches of rain has fallen over the last three days on the Cambridge campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. More rain is expected within the next week.

  • Click on photos below to enlarge.


5-26-15 Restored Prairie on the Cambridge campus of ARCC

5-26-15 Restored Prairie on the Cambridge campus of ARCC - flowering Golden Alexander

5-26-15 Restored Prairie on the Cambridge campus of ARCC - flowering Wild Lupine

5-26-15 Wild flowers emerging on the Cambridge campus of ARCC demonstration plot

5-26-15 Wild flowers emerging on the Cambridge campus of ARCC demonstration plot

5-26-15 Wild flowers emerging on the Cambridge campus of ARCC demonstration plot

5-26-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola L140P and L160S emerging

5-26-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola L140P and L160S emerging - larger plants are weeds

5-26-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola L140P and L160S emerging


May 19, 2015:

  • Grasses and scattered clumps of flowering plants are beginning to grow within the restored prairie area on the Cambridge campus - none are currently flowering. Bayer CropScience InVigor L140P & L160S canola are beginning to emerge on the land donated by the Hokanson and Kelly families located across from the College property. The College owned 25 acre demonstration plot also has plants beginning to emerge with small clumps of winter camelina starting to flower.

  • Click on photos below to enlarge.

5-19-15 Restored Prairie on the Cambridge campus of ARCC

5-19-15 Restored Prairie on the Cambridge campus of ARCC

5-19-15 Restored Prairie on the Cambridge campus of ARCC

5-19-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola L140P and L160S emerging - larger plants are weeds

5-19-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola L140P and L160S emerging

5-19-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola L140P and L160S emerging - larger plants growing are weeds

5-19-15 Wild flowers emerging on the Cambridge campus of ARCC demonstration plot

5-19-15 Wild flowers emerging on the Cambridge campus of ARCC demonstration plot - larger plants are winter camelina

5-19-15 Wild flowers emerging on the Cambridge campus of ARCC demonstration plot


April 27 - May 7, 2015:

  • The donated land across from the College property was disked, harrowed, and fertilized (33-8-0-8 @ 300lbs/A). It was then planted with Canola InVigor hybrids L140P & L160S, donated by Bayer CropScience, using a Brillion seeder at ~5.5lbs/A. The College owned 25 acre demonstration plot was disked and harrowed (not fertilized) and planted with a wildflower pollinator mixture donated by Bayer CropScience, including: Cosmos, Sulphur Cosmos, Crimson Clover, Annual Gaillardia, Red Clover, Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Purple Coneflower, Oxeye Daisy, Shasta Daisy, Grey Headed Coneflower, Red Prairie Coneflower, Blackeyed Susan, Wild Bergamot, Sweet Alyssum, Plains Coreopsis, and Slender Mountainmint. The unfertilized soil at both locations consisted mainly of loamy sand with a pH of 5.7-6.8, organic matter of 0.6-1.1%, phosphorus at 43-84ppm, potassium at 45-194ppm, and extremely low nitrogen levels. The soil has been very dry and difficult to plant causing the soil to be pushed up in front of the Brillion on the loose sands of the hilly areas.  Below are photos of the restored prairie on the Cambridge campus which will also be part of the beneficial pollinating insect study.

  • Click on photos below to enlarge. Click HERE for the YouTube Video of the wildflowers and canola being planted.

4-27-15 Canola hybrid InVigor L140P & L160S donated by Bayer CropScience

4-29-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola L140P and L160S being planted using a Brillion seeder

4-29-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola L140P and L160S planted using a Brillion seeder

4-29-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola L140P and L160S being planted using a Brillion seeder

4-29-15 Bayer CropScience InVigor canola L140P and L160S being planted using a Brillion seeder

5-4-15 Restored prairie area on the Cambridge campus of ARCC

5-4-15 Restored prairie area on the Cambridge campus of ARCC

5-4-15 Wildflower mixture donated by Bayer CropScience

5-4-15 Bayer CropScience wildflower mixture planted using a Brillion seeder

5-4-15 Bayer CropScience wildflower mixture being planted using a Brillion seeder

5-4-15 Bayer CropScience wildflower mixture label

5-4-15 Bayer CropScience wildflower mixture being planted using a Brillion seeder - with dry sandy soil getting pushed up in front of it on the hills