Step 1

Prior to putting any screws in, you need to understand a few important points.

1. We mainly use three sizes of screws:

  • 3" screws to build large units; to build heavy framing units
  • 1 1/2" screws to build lighter weight units, such as the framing for flats.
  • 1" screws to attach 1/4" panel material to framing

2. To pick the right size screw, you want one about twice as long as the thickness of material you are attaching, e.g., to attach 3/4" plywood to a 2 x 4 frame for a platform, you want to use 1 1/2" screws. But at the same time, avoid using screws so long they protrude out the back side and create a cutting hazard.

3. Keep similar length screws together. In other words, don't mix two or three different lengths in one container. Use a separate container for each length screw.

4. The screws are kept in the tool room.

5. I recommend you wear safety glasses when using a screw gun, especially if working at eye level or higher.