Geology                     Natural Science 1003

Topic Outlines

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NATS 1003
Topic Outlines


 Topic 14   Earthquakes


Primary goals

  • Explain why earthquakes occur
  • Describe seismic waves
  • Explain how earthquakes are measured



14.1  How do earthquakes occur?  

  • Description: How do quakes occur?

  • Story: Describe elastic rebound theory

  • Terms: foreshocks; aftershocks; focus; epicenter 

14.2  Earthquakes and plate tectonics

  • Description: Describe the quakes that occur at divergent boundaries

  • Description: Describe the quakes that occur at continent-continent convegent boundaries

  • Description: Describe the quakes that occur at subduction zones

  • Description: Describe the quakes that occur at transform boundaries

14.3  Seismic waves  

  • Description: describe waves

  • Description: How do P waves travel?

  • Description: How do S waves travel?

  • Compare: P waves and S waves

  • Description: What are surface waves like?

14.4  Measuring quakes  

  • Terms: seisomometer; seismopgraph; seismogram; Richter scale; seismic moment; moment magnitude

  • Analytical: What do the numbers of the seismic moment scale mean? How much bigger is a magnitude 6 quake than a magnitude 4 quake?

  • Description: What is the Mercalli Intensity scale?

14.5  Earthquake destruction

  • Story: What causes tsunamis?  

14.6  Using seismic waves to learn about the interior of the Earth  

  • Relationship: Explain how seismic waves travel differently through materials of different density

  • Description: Describe how seismic waves travel differently through rocks of different materials

  • Explanation: Explain how seismic waves reflect

  • Relationship: Explain how seismic waves bend (refract)

  • Relationship: Explain what happens when S waves enter liquids

  • Description: What conclusions can we make about the interior of the Earth from studying seismic waves?


Resources for students

Entire topic

  • Lecture notes from Prof. Nelson


Links for further interest

Latest quake info

Earthquake information and research centers

Quake photos

  • Photos from NGDC (National Geophysical Data Center)

14.1  How do quakes occur?

14.2  Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics

14.3  Seismic waves

14.4  Measuring earthquakes

14.5  Earthquake destruction

Quake Videos

Tsunami videos

Geo lab link--earthquakes     Create earthquakes


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