Meteorology             Natural Science 1005

Topic Outlines

Ed Wehling
Home Page



Topic 3: Why does the air temperature get warmer and colder?

Please note: the questions listed are not the only items that you need to know. The questions point out basic information to help understand some topics, some concepts that may not be obvious to all students, and some of the more difficult concepts.

Energy in, energy out, and temperature


  • What emits radiation? What happens to radiation?

Why is it warmer in the summer and colder in the winter?

  • What determines how much solar radiation we get during a day?

  • How does the path of the sun in the sky affect the solar radiation we receive?

  • How does the path of the sun change during the year?

  • How does the changing path make our temperatures warmer in the summer and colder in the winter?

  • Animation of sun's path in sky

    Interactive of incoming solar radiation
    Interactive of energy/unit area

  • Coldest place in the world video

Why is it warmer in the daytime and cooler at night?

How do clouds affect day and night temperatures?   

Poleward heat transport  

Warm and cold air moving around

  • Convection  

  • Advection   


Conduction and Convection together

  • What affects the rate of energy transfer for conduction and convection?

  • Wind chill 

  • Temperature profiles of atmosphere near the surface 

Latent heat  

  • What affects the rate of evaporation?

  • Heat Index  
    --NWS chart

Cooling of air as it lifts      D2L explanation

  • Dry adiabatic cooling

  • Moist adiabatic cooling


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